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Harrington, Andy

Passion Into Profit

Harrington, Andy - Passion Into Profit, e-bok


E-bok, ePUB, Adobe DRM-skydd
ISBN: 9780857086150

Skriva ut67 sidor with an additional page accrued var 11 timme, capped at 67 sidor
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It's time to get paid what you're truly worth

Although you may not realise it, the knowledge and knowhow you have acquired in your life to date is a truly marketable asset.

You've made valuable distinctions because of your passions and have unique empathy and understandingbecause of your pains. Through this book you will come to understand how other people are ready andwilling to pay you money to know what you already know and to do what you can already do.

You don’t need to be qualified, certified or have letters after your name. Your qualification to do this work is yourlife experiences, your passion for helping others and your determination to make a difference.

Andy Harrington has worked with Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, Brian Tracy, Bob Proctor and evenFormer President of the United States Bill Clinton, and through this book he will show you how to find and shape themessage inside of you, and importantly, in such a way that you get paid for sharing your advice.

You will also discover how to:

  • Position yourself as an expert so you are seen as an authority.
  • Prepare your advice so it's easy for others to follow.
  • Package your knowledge into programs, workshops, and books.
  • Promote yourself intelligently so you get paid what you are really worth.
  • Perform like a professional with confidence, congruency and charisma.

In his debut book Andy shows you how to harness your experiences and turn them into advice for others whilstbecoming a person of influence, impact and inspiration.

“You have incredible untapped potential – residing within yourself – in your own talents and abilities. This book shows you how to achieve all your goals by focusing on making a difference with what you already have.”

Brian Tracy, Brian Tracy International

Nyckelord: unstoppable: using the power of focus to take action and achieve your goals, pete wilkinson, 1-3-5 coaching system, becoming unstoppable, goal achievement, self improvement, personal development, entrepreneurship, increasing effectiveness, leadership skills, management skills, achievement strategy, personal strategy, life plan, leadership development, improving focus, improving career, professional improvement, getting more done, getting organized, self organization, inspirational, motivational

John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
216 sidor
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