
Reader Help for other e-reader devices

Watermarked ebooks

Watermarked ebooks are delivered in their original format. One can read watermarked ebooks with any software or device supporting the file format indicated in the book information page.

Ebooks with Adobe DRM

E-books can be used with most of the e-reader devices currently available in the market. Please check that your device is compatible with Adobe DRM.

Make yourself an Adobe account. Please note that your Adobe ID is the e-mail address you're using when registering. Then go to Adobe's pages and download Adobe Digital Editions -reader software. Install the software for your computer and authorize it with your Adobe ID.

Connect your e-reader to your computer and open Adobe Digital Editions on your computer. The e-reader will show up in Adobe Digital Editions, and after that you will be able to transfer books into e-reader by dragging the book icons from Adobe Digital Editions on top of the e-reader icon.

For more detailed instructions, please see your e-reader manufacturer's pages or instructions that came with your device.