
Guidelines for Publishers

Would you like to distribute your ebooks or audiobooks on our service? See the instructions below.

You can also contact us by email:

  • Email support for agreements, sales, advertising, marketing and communications: sales@ellibs.com
  • Email support for technical questions, such as those related to contents or submissions: content@ellibs.com

1. Become a customer

To distribute books in our service, the publisher must sign a distribution agreement with Ellibs. To sign a distribution agreement, contact our sales team: sales@ellibs.com.

2. Material format

Ellibs packages the submitted material in a publishable format for publishing.
The publisher must consider the following when submitting the material:

2.1. Format

Ebooks can be submitted in the following formats:
- PDF format (up to version 1.6)
- EPUB format, up to the latest version 3.0.1.

Audiobooks can be submitted in the MP3 format.

2.2 Filename

The book file has to be named according to its electronic ISBN and its format (for instance, 9780123456789.pdf or 9780123456789.epub). Audiobook files must also be named according to a possible chapter number (for instance, 9780123456789_01.mp3). For more information on ISBN, see section 4. Metadata.

2.3 File size

The recommended maximum size of an ebook is 20 MB. The ebook’s images must be compressed to reduce the ebook’s size. Ebooks larger than 250 MB will not be processed at all.
Warning: The JPEG2000 compression must not be used for ebook images, as they will not be visible once the ebook has been packaged.

The recommended maximum size of an audiobook chapter is 100 MB (approx. 1 hour duration). If necessary, the audiobook file is divided into chapters, as mentioned in section 1.2.

2.4. Resolution and bitrate

A sufficient resolution for an ebook is 72 dpi.

A sufficient bitrate for an audiobook is 96 kbps.

2.5. Front page

The front page of an ebook must contain an image of the book, as it makes it easier for customers to find the ebook they want in their reader program’s virtual library. Otherwise, customers may complain and request that an image of the book is added to the reader program.

2.6. Protection

Submit the material to Ellibs in its original format, PDF or EPUB, unprotected (no password, no encryption). Otherwise, packaging with the Adobe Content Server software will fail.

Audiobooks are submitted either as a singular file (audiobooks containing one chapter) or in a zip-file named according to the electronic ISBN (audiobooks containing multiple chapters) in their original format.

2.7. Metadata of the material

Provide at least the book’s title and authors in the metadata of the material. This information may be extracted and used by electronic readers or viewer software. For more information on the submitting of metadata, see section 5. Metadata of the material

3. Cover image of the material

Submit the appropriate file in JPEG or PNG format with the following constraints:
- resolution 72 dpi
- 24-bit RGB format (32-bit RGB images are not displayed by Internet Explorer)
- filename based on the electronic ISBN (for instance, 9780123456789.jpg).

4. Metadata of the material

Provide the following information as metadata for each book.

4.1 Format

Metadata can be delivered either through an ONIX feed or the Excel spreadsheet program. The Excel template is available at:

An ONIX feed can be provided in either versions 2.1 or 3.0, with recommendation to utilise the newer version 3.0.

4.2. ISBN

Books have specific electronic ISBN numbers, not to be confused with those of the printed versions, for each format in which they are published. That is to say, the electronic ISBN for the PDF version will be different from the electronic ISBN for the EPUB version or the audiobook version.
Provide the following:
- the electronic ISBN for the PDF format if the material is in PDF
- the electronic ISBN for the EPUB format if the material is in EPUB
- the electronic ISBN for the audiobook if the material is in MP3
- the print ISBN, if available. The ISBN number of a printed book allows us to link PDF and EPUB formats of the same material.

Information about ISBN and applying for it is available at the National Library of Finland website.

4.3. Filenames

The material file and cover image filenames must follow the following pattern: [electronic isbn].[file format]. For example, 978123456789.pdf and 978123456789.jpg.

4.4. Title

The title with which the book is published.

4.5. Authors and editors

Provide the names of the authors and editors. If you use the Excel spreadsheet program, the name list should follow the examples below:
- one name: John Smith
- one name with a middle name: John D. Smith
- two or more names: John D. Smith; Jane M. Doe; Jack Bishop.
The author role can be specified by adding the role in parentheses after the name, for example, “John D. Smith; Jane M. Doe (reader); Jack Bishop (editor)”

4.6. Publisher name

Name of the publisher of the book.

4.7. Possible series

For example, “Lecture Notes in Computer Science”.

4.8. Possible imprints

The imprint can be either a brand name (such as “For Dummies”), a partner publisher or a sub-division of a publishing group (such as “Springer New-York”).

4.9. Year of publication

Year of publication of the book.

4.10. Edition

Books are revised by releasing a new edition with relevant changes. The revised edition is identical with the printed version.

4.11. Language

The language in which the book is written has to be indicated by using the corresponding two-letter code from the ISO 639-1 standard. For instance, en for English, fi for Finnish, sv for Swedish, etc.

4.12. Number of pages

Number of pages in the book.

4.13. Keywords

If you use the Excel spreadsheet program, keywords must be separated by semicolon “;” or comma “,”. For instance:
- ebook; ellibs; ebook reader; DRM restrictions.

4.14. Suggested price

The suggested price should preferably be given in euros. If this is not possible, prices can be given in USD ($) or GBP (£). However, they will be dependent on the exchange rate of the currency, as Ellibs only uses euros as its currency.

Prices with and without VAT are distinguished by the appropriate code in the ONIX feed, and they are placed on different columns in the Excel template. The publisher has to indicate only one price.
The VAT rate for book publications in Finland is 10% as of 1 July 2019.

4.15. Classification

A classification has to be given for each book, at least one of the following three options:
- YKL: Finnish Library classification http://ykl.kirjastot.fi, derived from the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC).
- BISAC: http://www.bisg.org/what-we-do-0-136-bisac-subject-headings-list-major-s....
- BIC: http://www.bic.org.uk/7/BIC-Standard-Subject-Categories/.

3.16. Blurb / description

The text on the back cover or part of the introduction can be used for the blurb and/or description. Additional information on the book can also be provided in the table of contents.

5. Submission of material

Provide all relevant material by FTP, through WeTransfer or similar cloud service or, exceptionally, by email.

5.1. By FTP

Delivery by FTP is the preferred method in all cases. It ensures that the material will be online within the next day (if there are no problems, as everything is processed automatically). Access details for the FTP account are delivered to the publisher once the agreement between the publisher and Ellibs is signed by the both parties.

For each delivery, a separate folder must be created based on the date (YYYY-MM-DD, for example, 2010-11-04), and all files (ebooks, cover images and metadata) must be updated to that folder. If more than one delivery is made on the same day, the same folder for that day can be used.

More information on FTP delivery: Content delivery to Ellibs

5.2. Through WeTransfer

When using WeTransfer or similar cloud service, the download link to the material and metadata is delivered at content@ellibs.com.

The material can only be sent as an email attachment in exceptional cases. Email can only be used to send one book once or twice. FTP

is recommended for regular deliveries.


Digital Rights Management (DRM) is handled by the Adobe Content Server 4 software during the packaging of ebooks. DRM restrictions mainly apply to the publisher’s decisions on how customers can use ebooks in addition to reading them. Such restrictions include, for example, how many pages can be printed and how often and how many offprints can be made from a book and how often.
These settings are defined globally for the entire collection of the publisher. They can be defined in the publisher account, and they can be updated later if a revision of the initial settings is needed.

6.1. Offprints

The publisher can define the number of offprints made with copy-pasting and the time period over which the given number of offprints can be made. The user makes an offprint of the book each time they select a part of the text and copies it to the clipboard. An offprint longer than two pages is considered as two offprints. Some examples:
- No limit: the customer can make as many offprints as they want.
- No offprints allowed: no offprints are allowed.
- 5 pages allowed: after 5 offprints, no more offprints can be made at any time.
- 10 pages per month: 10 offprints can be made each month.
- 20% of the number of pages in the book: if the book contains 200 pages, 40 pages of offprints can be made of it.

6.2. Printouts

The publisher can specify the number of printouts and the time period over which the given number of pages can be printed. Some examples:
- No limit: all pages can be printed.
- No printing allowed: no pages can be printed.
- 5 pages allowed: after 5 pages have been printed from the book, no more pages can be printed at any time.
- 10 pages per month: 10 pages can be printed each month.
- 20% of the number of pages in the book: if the book contains 200 pages, 40 pages can be printed.
The number of times a single page can be printed cannot be specified. For example, the publisher cannot specify that the customer can print the whole ebook only once.


If you would like to promote your books through Ellibs or organise promotional campaigns with us, contact us at sales@ellibs.com