
Lévy, François

BIM for Design Firms: Data Rich Architecture at Small and Medium Scales

Lévy, François - BIM for Design Firms: Data Rich Architecture at Small and Medium Scales, e-kirja


E-kirja, PDF, Adobe DRM-suojattu
ISBN: 9781119252818

Tulostus72 sivua ja lisä sivu kertyy joka 11. tunti, ylärajana 72 sivua
Kopioi leikepöydälle5 poimintoa

Paves the path for the adoption and effective implementation of BIM by design firms, emphasizing the design opportunities that this workflow affords

This book expands on BIM (Building Information Modeling), showing its applicability to a range of design-oriented projects. It emphasizes the full impact that a data modeling tool has on design processes, systems, and the high level of collaboration required across the design team. It also explains the quantitative analysis opportunities that BIM affords for sustainable design and for balancing competing design agendas, while highlighting the benefits BIM offers to designing in 3D for construction. The book concludes with a deep look at the possible future of BIM and digitally-enhanced design.

Through clear explanation of the processes involved and compelling case studies of design-oriented projects presented with full-color illustrations, BIM for Design Firms: Data Rich Architecture at Small and Medium Scales proves that the power of BIM is far more than an improved documentation and sharing environment. It offers chapters that discuss a broad range of digital design, including problems with BIM, how readers can leverage BIM workflows for complex projects, the way BIM is taught, and more.

  • Helps architects in small and medium design studios realize the cost and efficiency benefits of using BIM
  • Demonstrates how the use of BIM is as relevant and beneficial for a range of projects, from small buildings to large and complex commercial developments
  • Highlights the quantitative analysis opportunities of data-rich BIM models across design disciplines for climate responsiveness, design exploration, visualization, documentation, and error detection
  • Includes full-color case studies of small to medium projects, so that examples are applicable to a range of practice types
  • Features projects by Arca Architects, ARX Protugal Arquitectos, Bearth & Deplazes, Durbach Block Jaggers, Flansburgh Architects, and LEVER Architecture

BIM for Design Firms is an excellent book for architects in small and medium-sized studios (including design departments within large firms) as well as for architecture students.


BIM; Building Information Modeling; building design; architecture; architectural design; software; design software; CAD; 3D modeling; construction; building models; data modeling; design processes; small-scale design; sustainable design; sustainable architecture; green design; green architecture; architectural design processes; IFC; Industry Foundation Classes; buildingSMART; buildingSMART International

, Building Design, Architecture Special Topics, Building Design, Architecture Special Topics
John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Julkaisijan yksikkö
240 sivua
Taide, taidehistoria
Painetun ISBN

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