Townsend, Tony
International Handbook of Leadership for Learning
1. Leadership and Learning: Paradox, Paradigms and Principles
John MacBeath, Tony Townsend
2. US Cultural History: Visible and Invisible Influences on Leadership for Learning
Ira Bogotch
3. Leadership and Learning: The Canadian Context
Larry Sackney
4. Leadership Issues and Experiences in Latin America
Beatrice Avalos
5. Transnational and Local Conditions and Expectations on School Leaders
Lejf Moos
6. Leadership for Learning in the United Kingdom: Lessons from the Research
Jim O’Brien
7. Leadership and Learning: Making Connections Down Under
Neil Dempster
8. Leadership for Learning in the Middle East: The Road Travelled Thus Far
Thuwayba Al-Barwani
9. Researching Leadership: Towards a New Paradigm
Daniel Muijs
10. A Multifaceted Perspective on Leadership for Learning: A Case Study on Moroccan Education
Abdelkader Ezzaki
11. Leadership for Learning: Research Findings and Frontiers from Down Under
Neil Dempster, Greg Robson, Mike Gaffney
12. A Developmental Framework for Instructional Leadership
Ulrich C. Reitzug, Deborah L. West
13. Quality and Accountability: Policy Tensions for Australian School Leaders
Sue Thomas, Louise Watson
14. Leadership for Learning in China: The Political and Policy Context
Haiyan Qian, Allan Walker
15. Transforming Singapore Schools: The Economic Imperative, Government Policy and School Principalship
Clive Dimmock, Jonathan W. P. Goh
16. Internal and External Accountability: Building Evidence-Informed Leadership Capacity at All System Levels
John M. Burger, Anna Nadirova, Jim Brandon, Bob Garneau, Chris Gonnet
17. Developing Leaders, Building Networks, Changing Schools Through System Leadership
Wilfried Schley, Michael Schratz
18. School Leadership in Chile: Breaking the Inertia
José Weinstein, Gonzalo Muñoz, Dagmar Raczynski
19. School Leadership in the United Kingdom: A Policy Perspective
Jim O’Brien
20. Lessons About Improving Leadership on a Large Scale: From Ontario’s Leadership Strategy
Kenneth Leithwood, Steven Reid, Laurie Pedwell, Marg Connor
21. Leadership for Learning: Educating Educational Leaders
Christine Forde
22. Leadership Learning That Makes a Difference in Schools: Pushing the Frontier at the University of Maine
Richard H. Ackerman, Gordon A. Donaldson, Sarah V. Mackenzie, George F. Marnik
23. Educating Leaders for Learning in Schools in Kenya: The Need for a Reconceptualisation
Julius O. Jwan, Charles O. Ong’ondo
24. Leadership for Learning in Malaysian Schools
Fatt Hee Tie
25. Developing School Principals in South Africa
Inbanathan Naicker
26. Preparing School Leaders for a Changing World: Lessons from Zimbabwe
Chrispen Chiome
27. Collaborative Leadership and School Improvement: Understanding the Impact on School Capacity and Student Learning
Philip Hallinger, Ronald H. Heck
28. Culturally Relevant Leadership for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Urban Schools
Carlos R. McCray, Floyd D. Beachum
29. Expanding Learning-Focused Leadership in US Urban Schools
Bradley S. Portin, Michael S. Knapp
30. Nordic Superintendents’ Leadership Roles: Cross-National Comparisons
Olof Johansson, Lejf Moos, Elisabet Nihlfors, Jan Merok Paulsen, Mika Risku
31. Successful Leadership for Improved Student Learning in High Needs Schools: U.S. Perspectives from the International Successful School Principalship Project (ISSPP)
Stephen L. Jacobson, Lauri Johnson
32. Improving and Supporting Principals’ Leadership in Latin America
Denise Vaillant
33. The Succession Challenge: Warm Bodies or Leaders of Learning?
Dean Fink
34. Building Leadership Capacity Across 5,000 Schools
Laurie Pedwell, Ben Levin, Barry Pervin, Mary Jean Gallagher, Marg Connor, Helen Beck
35. Building Leadership Capacity: The Norwegian Approach
Jorunn Møller, Eli Ottesen
36. Leadership for Learning – Learning for Leadership: The Impact of Professional Development
Stephan Gerhard Huber
37. The Development of Leadership Capability in a Self-Managing Schools System: The New Zealand Experience and Challenges
Cathy Wylie
38. Providing Professional Sustenance for Leaders of Learning: The Glass Half Full?
Simon Clarke, Helen Wildy
39. Leadership for Effective School Improvement: Support for Schools and Teachers’ Professional Development in the Latin American Region
Inés Aguerrondo, Lea Vezub
40. Leadership for Learning: What It Means for Teachers
Susan Lovett, Dorothy Andrews
41. Instructional Supervision, Coherence, and Job-Embedded Learning
Sally J. Zepeda
42. School Leadership for Adult Development: The Dramatic Difference It Can Make
Ellie Drago-Severson
43. Leaders of Learning: Accomplished Teachers as Teacher Leaders
Margery McMahon
44. Ensuring Staff Development Impacts on Learning
Sara Bubb, Peter Earley
45. Realities and Perspectives Arising from Professional Development to Improve the Teaching of Reading and Writing: The CETT Project in the Dominican Republic
Liliana Montenegro
46. Leadership for Learning: Student Perspectives
James Skinner, Alf Lizzio, Neil Dempster
47. Promoting Students Learning Through Sustainable Innovations: Where Is the Missing Link?
Thuwayba Al-Barwani, Mohamed E. Osman
48. Creating Participative Learning Cultures Through Student Leadership
David Frost
49. Schools as Organizational Connectors and Reproducers of the Hierarchy of Learning Success
Fenwick W. English
50. Leading School-Based Networks and Collaborative Learning: Working Together for Better Outcomes?
Mark Hadfield, Christopher Chapman
51. Principals Think Organisation: Dilemmas in the Management of Today’s Education
Peter Henrik Raae
52. The Self-Organizing School Theory: Leading Change for Learning
Alan Bain
53. Building and Leading Within Learning Ecologies
Coral Mitchell, Larry Sackney
54. Leaders Who Build and Sustain Passion for Learning: Capacity Building in Practice
Qing Gu
55. Creating a Learning Culture in Schools: An Analysis of Challenges and Opportunities with Special Reference to the Egyptian Context
Atta Taha Zidan
56. Educational Leadership with Eyes and Hearts Wide Open
Grzegorz Mazurkiewicz
57. Leading Assessment for Learning
Sue Swaffield
58. Education Leaders Can Reduce Educational Disparities
Russell Bishop
59. Same Mother, Different Lives: The Social Organisation of Leadership for Learning Across Three Chinese Societies
Allan Walker, Frank Xue-Ju Wang
60. Assessing and Understanding Quality in the Arab Region
Ekhleif Tarawneh
61. Administrative Approaches to Diversity: Sharing and Imposing Meaning
James Ryan
62. Zimbabwe in Transition: Rethinking the School Leadership Conditions Fostering Transition
Chrispen Chiome, Mupa Paul
63. Findings in Translation: Negotiating and Leading Learning Across Borders
Francesca Brotto
64. School Culture and Pupil Performance: Evidence from Lesotho
Vitallis Chikoko, Amelia Tantso Rampai
65. Re-Imagining Disadvantaged Community and Family Leadership for Learning: An (Im)modest Proposal
Greer Johnson, Paula Jervis-Tracey
66. Thinking and Acting Both Locally and Globally: What Do We Know Now and How Do We Continue to Improve?
John MacBeath, Tony Townsend
Keywords: Education, International and Comparative Education, Administration, Organization and Leadership, Learning & Instruction, Educational Policy and Politics
- Author(s)
- Townsend, Tony
- MacBeath, John
- Publisher
- Springer
- Publication year
- 2011
- Language
- en
- Edition
- 1
- Imprint
- Springer Netherlands - Dordrecht
- Series
- Springer International Handbooks of Education
- Page amount
- 15 pages
- Category
- Upbringing, Education
- Format
- Ebook
- 9789400713505