Schlatter, Philipp
Seventh IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition
1. A Gradient-based Optimization Method for Natural Laminar Flow Design
A. Hanifi, O. Amoignon, J. O. Pralits, M. Chevalier
2. A Thermodynamic Lower Bound on Transition-Triggering Disturbances
Paolo Luchini
3. Hypersonic boundary layer transition and control
A. A. Maslov, T. Poplavskaya, D. A. Bountin
4. Instabilities of Miscible Interfaces
Eckart Meiburg
5. Large-eddy simulations of relaminarization due to freestream acceleration
Ugo Piomelli, Carlo Scalo
6. Reduced-order models for flow control: balanced models and Koopman modes
Clarence W. Rowley, Igor Mezić, Shervin Bagheri, Philipp Schlatter, Dan S. Henningson
7. The description of fluid behavior by coherent structures
Peter J. Schmid
8. Instability of uniform turbulent plane Couette flow: spectra, probability distribution functions and
Laurette S. Tuckerman, Dwight Barkley, Olivier Dauchot
9. Sensitivity to base-flow variation of a streamwise corner flow
Frédéric Alizard, Jean-Christophe Robinet, Ulrich Rist
10. Transition Control Testing in the Supersonic S2MA Wind Tunnel (SUPERTRAC project)
J.-P. Archambaud, D. Arnal, J.-L. Godard, S. Hein, J. Krier, R. S. Donelli, A. Hanifi
11. Breakdown of Low-Speed Streaks under High-Intensity Background Turbulence
Masahito Asai, Motosumi Yamanouchi, Ayumu Inasawa, Yasufumi Konishi
12. Numerical Study on Transition of a Channel Flow with Longitudinal Wall-oscillation
Takashi Atobe, Kiyoshi Yamamoto
13. Direct Numerical Simulation of the Mixing Layer past Serrated Nozzle Ends
Andreas Babucke, Markus J. Kloker, Ulrich Rist
14. Receptivity of a supersonic boundary layer to shock-wave oscillations
Andreas Babucke, Ulrich Rist
15. Roughness receptivity studies in a 3-D boundary layer – Flight tests and computations
Andrew L. Carpenter, William S. Saric, Helen L. Reed
16. DNS investigations of steady receptivity mechanisms on a swept cylinder
G. Casalis, E. Piot
17. Experimental Study of the Incipient Spot Breakdown Controlled by Riblets
V. Chernoray, G. R. Grek, V. V. Kozlov, Y. A. Litvinenko
18. Control of Stationary Cross-flow Modes Using Patterned Roughness at Mach 3.5
Thomas Corke, Eric Matlis, Chan-Yong Schuele, Stephen Wilkinson, Lewis Owens, P. Balakumar
19. Secondary optimal growth and subcritical transition in the plane Poiseuille flow
Carlo Cossu, Mattias Chevalier, Dan S. Henningson
20. Disturbance evolution in rotating-disk boundary layers: competition between absolute instability and global stability
Christopher Davies, Christian Thomas
21. Instabilities due a vortex at a density interface: gravitational and centrifugal effects
Harish N. Dixit, Rama Govindarajan
22. Wave Packets of Controlled Velocity Perturbations at Laminar Flow Separation
Alexander Dovgal, Alexander Sorokin
23. Linear Stability Analysis for Manipulated Boundary-Layer Flows using Plasma Actuators
A. Duchmann, A. Reeh, R. Quadros, J. Kriegseis, C. Tropea
24. Stripy patterns in low-
Yohann Duguet, Philipp Schlatter, Dan S. Henningson
25. Characterization of the three-dimensional instability in a lid-driven cavity by an adjoint based analysis
Flavio Giannetti, Paolo Luchini, Luca Marino
26. Bi-global crossplane stability analysis of high-speed boundary-layer flows with discrete roughness
Gordon Groskopf, Markus J. Kloker, Olaf Marxen
27. Time-resolved PIV investigations on the laminar-turbulent transition over laminar separation bubbles
Rainer Hain, Christian J. Kähler, Rolf Radespiel
28. Control of transient growth induced boundary layer transition using plasma actuators
Ronald E. Hanson, Philippe Lavoie, Ahmed M. Naguib, Jonathan F. Morrison
29. Laminar Flow Control by Suction at Mach 2
S. Hein, E. Schülein, A. Hanifi, J. Sousa, D. Arnal
30. Decay of turbulent bursting in enclosed flows
Kerstin Hochstrate, Jan Abshagen, Marc Avila, Christian Will, Gerd Pfister
31. Local and Global Stability of Airfoil Flows at Low Reynolds Number
L. E. Jones, R. D. Sandberg, N. D. Sandham
32. Numerical simulation of riblet controlled oblique transition
S. Klumpp, M. Meinke, W. Schröder
33. Transition Movement in the Wake of Protruding and Recessed Three-Dimensional Surface Irregularities
V. S. Kosorygin, J. D. Crouch, L. L. Ng
34. Plasma Assisted Aerodynamics for Transition Delay
Marios Kotsonis, Leo Veldhuis, Hester Bijl
35. Experimental study on stability of the laminar and turbulent plane jets
V. V. Kozlov, G. R. Grek, G. Kozlov, Yu. A. Litvinenko, A. Sorokin
36. Evolution Of Traveling Crossflow Modes Over A Swept Flat Plate
Thomas Kurian, Jens H. M. Fransson, P. Henrik Alfredsson
37. Computational Analysis for Roughness-Based Transition Control
Fei Li, Meelan M. Choudhari, Chau-Lyan Chang, Jack R. Edwards
38. Statistics of turbulent-to-laminar transition in plane Couette flow
Paul Manneville
39. Spectra of Swirling Flow
Xuerui Mao, Spencer J. Sherwin
40. Localized edge states for the transition to turbulence in shear flows
Daniel Marinc, Tobias M Schneider, Bruno Eckhardt
41. Active steady control of vortex shedding: an adjoint-based sensitivity approach
Olivier Marquet, Denis Sipp
42. Feedback control of transient energy growth in subcritical plane Poiseuille flow
Fulvio Martinelli, Maurizio Quadrio, John McKernan, James F. Whidborne
43. Linear and non-linear disturbance evolution in a compressible boundary-layer with localized roughness
Olaf Marxen, Gianluca Iaccarino, Eric S. G. Shaqfeh
44. Experimental Study of Boundary Layer Transition Subjected to Weak Free Stream Turbulence
Masaharu Matsubara, Kota Takaichi, Toshiaki Kenchi
45. Open-loop control of compressible afterbody flows using adjoint methods
Philippe Meliga, Denis Sipp, Jean-Marc Chomaz
46. Direct Numerical Simulation of a Swept-Wing Boundary Layer with an Array of Discrete Roughness Elements
Takafumi Nishino, Karim Shariff
47. Wave packet pseudomodes upstream of a swept cylinder
Dominik Obrist, Peter J. Schmid
48. Bypass Transition prediction using a model based on transient growth theory
Olivier Vermeersch, Daniel Arnal
49. Flow in a Slowly Divergent Pipe Section
Jorge Peixinho
50. In-flight experiments on active TS-wave control on a 2D-laminar wing glove
Inken Peltzer, Kai Wicke, Andreas Pätzold, Wolfgang Nitsche
51. Global nonlinear dynamics of thin aerofoil wakes
Benoît Pier, Nigel Peake
52. Riccati-less optimal control of bluff-body wakes
Jan Oscar Pralits, Paolo Luchini
53. Asymptotic theory of the pre-transitional laminar streaks and comparison with experiments
Pierre Ricco
54. Roughness-induced transition of compressible laminar boundary layers
J. A. Redford, N. D. Sandham, G. T. Roberts
55. On receptivity and modal linear instability of laminar separation bubbles at all speeds
D. Rodríguez, J. A. Ekaterinaris, E. Valero, V. Theofilis
56. Hypersonic instability waves measured on a circular cone at M=12 using fast-response surface heat-flux and pressure gauges
T. Roediger, H. Knauss, B. V. Smorodsky, D. A. Bountin, A. A. Maslov, E. Kraemer, S. Wagner
57. Interaction of noise disturbances and streamwise streaks
Philipp Schlatter, Enrico Deusebio, Luca Brandt, Rick Lange
58. Experimental study on the use of the wake instability as a passive control in coaxial jet flows
Antonio Segalini, Ramis Örlü, P. Henrik Alfredsson, Alessandro Talamelli
59. Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Relaminarizing Plane Channel Flow
Daisuke Seki, Takayuki Numano, Masaharu Matsubara
60. Linear control of 3D disturbances on a flat-plate
Onofrio Semeraro, Shervin Bagheri, Luca Brandt, Dan S. Henningson
61. Experimental study of stability of supersonic boundary layer on swept wing
N. V. Semionov, A. D. Kosinov, Yu. G. Yermolaev
62. Comparison of Direct Numerical Simulation with the Theory of Receptivity in a Supersonic Boundary Layer
Vitaly G. Soudakov, Ivan V. Egorov, Alexander V. Fedorov
63. Instability of high Mach number flows in the presence of high-temperature gas effects
Christian Stemmer
64. Spatially localised growth within global instabilities of flexible channel flows
Peter S. Stewart, Sarah L. Waters, John Billingham, Oliver E. Jensen
65. Global stability of a plane liquid jet surrounded by gas
Outi Tammisola, Fredrik Lundell, Daniel Söderberg, Atsushi Sasaki, Masaharu Matsubara
66. Instabilities of flow in a corrugated pipe
Jianjun Tao
67. The Late Nonlinear Stage of Oblique Breakdown to Turbulence in a Supersonic Boundary Layer
Dominic Terzi, Christian Mayer, Hermann Fasel
68. Turbulence stripe in transitional channel flow with/without system rotation
Takahiro Tsukahara, Yasuo Kawaguchi, Hiroshi Kawamura, Nils Tillmark, P. Henrik Alfredsson
69. Direct Numerical Simulation and Theoretical Analysis of Perturbations in Hypersonic Boundary Layers
Anatoli Tumin, Xiaowen Wang, Xiaolin Zhong
70. Flow Transition in Free Liquid Film Induced by Thermocapillary Effect
Ichiro Ueno, Toshiki Watanabe, Toshihiro Matsuya
71. Boundary layer transition by interaction of streaks and Tollmien–Schlichting waves
Tamer A. Zaki, Yang Liu, Paul A. Durbin
72. Numerical Investigation of Subharmonic Resonance Triads in a Mach 3 Boundary Layer
Marcus Zengl, Dominic Terzi, Hermann Fasel
73. Transient Growth on the Homogenous Mixing Layer
Cristobal Arratia, Sarah Iams, Jean-Marc Chomaz, Colm-Cille Caulfield
74. Closed-loop control of cavity flow using a reduced-order model based on balanced truncation
A. Barbagallo, D. Sipp, P. J. Schmid
75. On the asymptotic solution of the flow around a circular cylinder
Iago C. Barbeiro, Ivan Korkischko, Karl P. Burr, Julio R. Meneghini, J. A. P. Aranha
76. Investigations of Suction in a Transitional Flat-Plate Boundary Layer
Stefan Becker, Jovan Jovanovic
77. Global three-dimensional optimal perturbations in a Blasius boundary layer
S. Cherubini, J.-C. Robinet, A. Bottaro, P. Palma
78. Quantifying sub-optimal transient growth using biorthogonal decomposition
Nicholas Denissen, Edward White, Robert Downs
79. Model reduction using Balanced Proper Orthogonal Decomposition with frequential snapshots
G. Dergham, D. Sipp, J.-C. Robinet
80. Control of a trapped vortex in a thick airfoil by steady/unsteady mass flow suction
R. S. Donelli, F. Gregorio, M. Buffoni, O. Tutty
81. Receptivity of compressible boundary layer to kinetic fluctuations
Alexander V. Fedorov, Sergei N. Averkin
82. Effect of transport modeling on hypersonic cooled wall boundary layer stability
Kenneth Franko, Sanjiva Lele
83. Modeling Supersonic and Hypersonic Flow Transition over Three-Dimensional Bodies
Song Fu, Liang Wang, Angelo Carnarius, Charles Mockett, Frank Thiele
84. Amplitude threshold in the wake transition of an oscillating circular cylinder
Rafael S. Gioria, Julio R. Meneghini
85. Certain Aspect of Instability of Flow in a Channel with Expansion/Contraction
Ayumu Inasawa, Masahito Asai, Jerzy M. Floryan
86. Some properties of boundary layer under the joint effect of external flow turbulence and surface roughness
Pavel Jonáš, Oton Mazur, Václav Uruba
87. Wave forerunners of localized structures at the boundary layer
M. Katasonov, V. Gorev, V. V. Kozlov
88. Experiments on the wave train excitation and wave interaction in spanwise modulated supersonic boundary layer
A. D. Kosinov, N. V. Semionov, Yu. G. Yermolaev
89. Laminar-Turbulent Transition and Boundary Layer Separation on wavy surface wing
Viktor Kozlov, Ilya Zverkov, Boris Zanin
90. Investigation of Thermal Nonequilibrium on Hypersonic Boundary-Layer Transition by DNS
Jens Linn, Markus J. Kloker
91. Global sustained perturbations in a backward-facing step flow
Olivier Marquet, Denis Sipp
92. Large Reynolds number streak description using RNS
Juan A. Martín, Carlos Martel
93. Optimal disturbances with iterative methods
Antonios Monokrousos, Espen Åkervik, Luca Brandt, Dan S. Henningson
94. Connection between full-lifetime and breakdown of puffs in transitional pipe flows
Mina Nishi, Özgür Ertunç, Antonio Delgado
95. Effect of oblique waves on jet turbulence
Ramis Örlü, Antonio Segalini, Alessandro Talamelli, P. Henrik Alfredsson
96. The effect of a single three-dimensional roughness element on the boundary layer transition
Igor B. Paula, Werner Würz, Marcello A. F. Medeiros
97. Experimental study of resonant interactions of modulated waves in a non self-similar boundary layer
I. B. Paula, W. Würz, E. Krämer, V. I. Borodulin, Y. S. Kachanov
98. High Reynolds Number Transition Experiments in ETW (TELFONA project)
J. Perraud, J.-P. Archambaud, G. Schrauf, R. S. Donelli, A. Hanifi, J. Quest, S. Hein, T Streit, U. Fey, Y. Egami
99. Entropy generation rate in turbulent spots in a boundary layer subject to freestream turbulence
Brendan Rehill, Ed J. Walsh, Kevin Nolan, Donald M. McEligot, Luca Brandt, Philipp Schlatter, Dan S. Henningson
100. The Effect of a Particle travelling through a Laminar Boundary Layer on Transition
Conny Schmidt, Trevor M. Young, Emmanuel P. Benard
101. Flow past a plate with elliptic leading edge: layer response to free-stream vorticity
Lars-Uve Schrader, Luca Brandt, Catherine Mavriplis, Dan S. Henningson
102. Fluctuation Measurements in the Turbulent Boundary Layer of a Supersonic Flow
Anne-Marie Schreyer, Uwe Gaisbauer, Ewald Krämer
103. Experimental characterization of the transition region in a rotating-disk boundary layer
Muhammad Ehtisham Siddiqui, Benoît Pier, Julian Scott, Alexandre Azouyi, Roger Michelet
104. Nonlinear Interaction Between Wavepackets in Plane Poiseuille Flow
Homero G. Silva, Ricardo A. C. Germanos, Marcello A. F. Medeiros
105. Effects of Passive Porous Walls on Hypersonic Boundary Layers
Sharon O. Stephen, Vipin Michael
106. Global Instabilities in Wall Jets
Gayathri Swaminathan, A Sameen, Rama Govindarajan
107. Spatial Optimal Disturbances in Three-Dimensional Boundary Layers
David Tempelmann, Ardeshir Hanifi, Dan S. Henningson
108. Influence of turbulence scale and shape of leading edge on laminar-turbulent transition induced by free-stream turbulence
M. V. Ustinov, S. V. Zhigulev
109. Bifurcation characteristics of the channel flow on a rotating system undergoing transition under the influence of the Coriolis force
Venkatesa I. Vasanta Ram, Burkhard Müller
110. Linear Stability Investigations of Flow Over Yawed Anisotropic Compliant Walls
Marcus Zengl, Ulrich Rist
Keywords: Physics, Fluid- and Aerodynamics, Engineering Fluid Dynamics
- Author(s)
- Schlatter, Philipp
- Henningson, Dan S.
- Publisher
- Springer
- Publication year
- 2010
- Language
- en
- Edition
- 1
- Imprint
- Springer Netherlands - Dordrecht
- Series
- IUTAM Bookseries
- Page amount
- 23 pages
- Category
- Natural Sciences
- Format
- Ebook
- 9789048137237