Freye, Enno
Pharmacology and Abuse of Cocaine, Amphetamines, Ecstasy and Related Designer Drugs
1. Introduction
Enno Freye
2. Production of the Coca Leaf
Enno Freye
3. Cocaine: History of Use
Enno Freye
4. Popularity of Cocaine as a Drug for Medical Treatment
Enno Freye
5. The Different Types of Alkaloids in Coca
Enno Freye
6. The Making of Cocaine in the Jungle
Enno Freye
7. Freebase Cocaine: High Bioavailability with Increase in Potency
Enno Freye
8. Pharmacology of Cocaine
Enno Freye
9. Addictive Properties of Cocaine: Mode Of Action
Enno Freye
10. Cocaine Intoxication: Strategy for Treatment
Enno Freye
11. Special Pathologies in Chronic Cocaine Use
Enno Freye
12. Summary of Advanced Treatment in Cocaine OD
Enno Freye
13. Chronic Toxicity of Cocaine use
Enno Freye
14. Summary of Acute-Chronic Effects of Cocaine
Enno Freye
15. Cocaine Use in Pregnancy
Enno Freye
16. New Options in the Treatment of Cocaine Dependency
Enno Freye
17. Mode of Action of Methamphetamine
Enno Freye
18. Pharmacology of Methamphetamine
Enno Freye
19. Crystal Methamphetamine
Enno Freye
20. Treatment Options in Methamphetamine Addiction and Withdrawal
Enno Freye
21. Amphetamine Derivatives as Appetite Suppressants
Enno Freye
22. Incidence of Illicit Use of Ecstasy
Enno Freye
23. Pharmacology of Ecstasy (MDMA)
Enno Freye
24. Pharmacological Effects of MDMA in Man
Enno Freye
25. Pharmacokinetics of MDMA
Enno Freye
26. Appendix
Enno Freye
27. History of Designer Drugs
Enno Freye
28. Gamma-Hydroxybutyric (GHB) Acid
Enno Freye
29. The Pharmacology of γ-Hydroxybutyric Acid (GHB)
Enno Freye
30. Use of GHB in Clinical Medicine
Enno Freye
31. Abuse Potential and Intoxication with GHB
Enno Freye
32. Benzylpiperazine (BZP) as a Designer Drug
Enno Freye
33. Natural Products with Abuse Potential
Enno Freye
34. Toxicity of Datura Stramonium
Enno Freye
35. Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) a Psychedelic
Enno Freye
36. The Mushroom Psilocybin with Psychedelic Properties
Enno Freye
37. Ibogaine, Psychedelic Molecule with Anti-Addictive Properties
Enno Freye
38. Peyote, a Mescaline-Containing Cactus
Enno Freye
39. LSD, a Semisynthetic Psychedelic Drug
Enno Freye
40. 5-MeO-DIPT, a Psychedelic Structurally Related to Psiloc(yb)in
Enno Freye
41. Positive Signs and Symptoms of Hard Drug Abuse
Enno Freye
42. Urine Drug Screening (UDS): Identifying the Person with Illicit Use
Enno Freye
43. Types of Urine Drug Testing
Enno Freye
44. Type of Tests for Urine Drug Testing (UDT)
Enno Freye
45. Analysis of Saliva, Hair and Sweat for Drug Testing
Enno Freye
Keywords: Biomedicine, Pharmacology/Toxicology, Pharmaceutical Sciences/Technology, Pharmacy, Medicine/Public Health, general, Emergency Medicine, Biomedicine general
- Author(s)
- Freye, Enno
- Publisher
- Springer
- Publication year
- 2009
- Language
- en
- Edition
- 1
- Page amount
- 10 pages
- Category
- Medicine, Health Care, Mode
- Format
- Ebook
- 9789048124480