Diehl, Moritz
Recent Advances in Optimization and its Applications in Engineering
1. Copositive Programming – a Survey
Mirjam Dür
2. A Robust H
Daniel F. Coutinho, Alain Wouwer
3. Solving Infinite-dimensional Optimization Problems by Polynomial Approximation
Olivier Devolder, François Glineur, Yurii Nesterov
4. Abstract Cones of Positive Polynomials and Their Sums of Squares Relaxations
Roland Hildebrand
5. Asynchronous Gossip Algorithm for Stochastic Optimization: Constant Stepsize Analysis*
S. Sundhar Ram, Angelia Nedić, Venu V. Veeravalli
6. On Hessian- and Jacobian-Free SQP Methods - a Total Quasi-Newton Scheme with Compact Storage
Torsten Bosse, Andreas Griewank, Lutz Lehmann, Volker Schloßhauer
7. Approximate Geometric Ellipsoid Fitting: A CG-Approach
Martin Kleinsteuber, Knut Hüper
8. Continuous Reformulation of MINLP Problems
Korbinian Kraemer, Wolfgang Marquardt
9. Local Convergence of Sequential Convex Programming for Nonconvex Optimization
Quoc Tran Dinh, Moritz Diehl
10. Fixed-Order H-infinity Optimization of Time-Delay Systems
Suat Gumussoy, Wim Michiels
11. Using Model Order Reduction for the Parameter Optimization of Large Scale Dynamical Systems
Yao Yue, Karl Meerbergen
12. Optimization On Manifolds: Methods and Applications
P.-A. Absil, R. Mahony, R. Sepulchre
13. On the Best Low Multilinear Rank Approximation of Higher-order Tensors*
Mariya Ishteva, P.-A. Absil, Sabine Huffel, Lieven Lathauwer
14. Refining Sparse Principal Components
M. Journée, F. Bach, P.-A. Absil, R. Sepulchre
15. Optimal Data Fitting on Lie Groups: a Coset Approach
C. Lageman, R. Sepulchre
16. Riemannian BFGS Algorithm with Applications
Chunhong Qi, Kyle A. Gallivan, P.-A. Absil
17. Identification Method for Time-Varying ARX Models
Quentin Rentmeesters, P.-A Absil, Paul Dooren
18. On Some Riemannian Aspects of Two and Three-Body Controlled Problems*
J.-B. Caillau, B. Daoud, J. Gergaud
19. Optimization techniques for the computation of the effective Hamiltonian
Maurizio Falcone, Marco Rorro
20. Hybrid Solution Methods for Bilevel Optimal Control Problems with Time Dependent Coupling
Matthias Knauer, Christof Büskens
21. Consistent Control Procedures in the Monotone Structural Evolution. Part 1: Theory
Adam Korytowski, Maciej Szymkat
22. Consistent Control Procedures in the Monotone Structural Evolution. Part 2: Examples and Computational Aspects
Maciej Szymkat, Adam Korytowski
23. Minimizing Tumor Volume for a Mathematical Model of Anti-Angiogenesis with Linear Pharmacokinetics
Urszula Ledzewicz, Helmut Maurer, Heinz Schättler
24. On Infinite Horizon Optimal Control of a Lotka-Voltera-System
Sabine Pickenhain
25. Performance of NMPC Schemes without Stabilizing Terminal Constraints
Nils Altmüller, Lars Grüne, Karl Worthmann
26. Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for an Artificial
Dimitri Boiroux, Daniel A. Finan, John B. Jørgensen, Niels K. Poulsen, Henrik Madsen
27. An Optimized Linear Model Predictive Control Solver
Dimitar Dimitrov, Pierre-Brice Wieber, Olivier Stasse, Hans Joachim Ferreau, Holger Diedam
28. A Linear-Quadratic Model-Predictive Controller for Control and State Constrained Nonlinear Control Problems
Matthias Gerdts, Björn Hüpping
29. NMPC Suboptimality Estimates for Sampled–Data Continuous Systems
Lars Grüne, Marcus Lossow, Karl Worthmann
30. Efficient Numerics for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
Christian Kirches, Leonard Wirsching, Sebastian Sager, Hans Georg Bock
31. Optimal Control of Periodic Adsorption Processes: The Newton-Picard Inexact SQP Method
A. Potschka, A. Küpper, J.P. Schlöder, H.G. Bock, S. Engell
32. On the Optimization of Steady Bingham Flow in Pipes
Juan Carlos Los Reyes
33. Semismooth Newton Methods for an Optimal Boundary Control Problem of Wave Equations
Axel Kröner, Karl Kunisch, Boris Vexler
34. A Space Mapping Approach for the
Oliver Lass, Stefan Volkwein
35. Numerical Solutions for Optimal Control of Monodomain Equations in Cardiac Electrophysiology
Ch. Nagaiah, K. Kunisch, G. Plank
36. Barrier Methods for a Control Problem from Hyperthermia Treatment Planning
Anton Schiela, Martin Weiser
37. On a State-Constrained PDE Optimal Control Problem arising from ODE-PDE Optimal Control
S. Wendl, H. J. Pesch, A. Rund
38. Multi-Disciplinary Optimization of an Active Suspension System in the Vehicle Concept Design Stage
Jan Anthonis, Marco Gubitosa, Stijn Donders, Marco Gallo, Peter Mas, Herman Auweraer
39. Optimal Control of Machine Tool Manipulators
Bahne Christiansen, Helmut Maurer, Oliver Zirn
40. Impact of the Material Distribution Formalism on the Efficiency of Evolutionary Methods for Topology Optimization
J. Denies, B. Dehez, F. Glineur, H. Ben Ahmed
41. A Variational Model for Image Texture Identification
R. Echegut, L. Piffet
42. Optimization Study of a Parametric Vehicle Bumper Subsystem Under Multiple Load Cases
Laszlo Farkas, Cedric Canadas, Stijn Donders, Herman Auweraer, Danny Schildermans
43. Application of Learning Automata for Stochastic Online Scheduling
Yailen Martinez, Bert Vreckem, David Catteeuw, Ann Nowe
44. Global Optimization with Expensive Functions - Sample Turbomachinery Design Application
Caroline Sainvitu, Vicky Iliopoulou, Ingrid Lepot
45. Adaptive Alternating Minimization for Fitting Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging Signals
Diana M. Sima, Anca Croitor Sava, Sabine Huffel
46. Optimization of Partial Differential Equations for Minimizing the Roughness of Laser Cutting Surfaces
Georg Vossen, Jens Schüttler, Markus Nießen
Keywords: Engineering, Appl.Mathematics/Computational Methods of Engineering, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Optimization, Control
- Author(s)
- Diehl, Moritz
- Glineur, Francois
- Jarlebring, Elias
- Michiels, Wim
- Publisher
- Springer
- Publication year
- 2010
- Language
- en
- Edition
- 1
- Page amount
- 11 pages
- Category
- Technology, Energy, Traffic
- Format
- Ebook
- 9783642125980