Nagel, Wolfgang E.
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '09
1. Numerical Models for Emission Line Nebulae in High Redshift Radio Galaxies
Volker Gaibler, Max Camenzind
2. The SuperN-Project: Current Advances in Understanding Core Collapse Supernovae
B. Müller, A. Marek, H.-Th. Janka
3. Using Computational Steering to Explore the Parameter Space of Stability in a Suspension
Martin Hecht, Jens Harting
4. Adsorption of Cysteine on the Au(110)-surface: A Density Functional Theory Study
B. Höffling, F. Ortmann, K. Hannewald, F. Bechstedt
R. Leitsmann, F. Bechstedt
6. Understanding Long-range Indirect Interactions Between Surface Adsorbed Molecules
W. G. Schmidt, S. Blankenburg, E. Rauls, S. Wippermann, U. Gerstmann, S. Sanna, C. Thierfelder, N. Koch, M. Landmann
7. H
Wai-Leung Yim, Thorsten Klüner
8. Molecular Dynamics Study of Plastic Deformation of Nanocrystalline Palladium
D. V. Bachurin, P. Gumbsch
9. Conductance of Correlated Nanostructures
Alexander Branschädel, Tobias Ulbricht, Peter Schmitteckert
10. How do Eigenfunctions of Douglas-Kroll Operators Behave in the Vicinity of Point-like Nuclei?
Christoph Wüllen
11. Distributed Memory Parallelization of the Multi-Configuration Time-Dependent Hartree Method
Michael Brill, Oriol Vendrell, Hans-Dieter Meyer
12. Development of Models for Large Molecules and Electrolytes in Solution for Process Engineering
Jonathan Walter, Stephan Deublein, Jadran Vrabec, Hans Hasse
13. Numerical Characterization of a Gas Turbine Model Combustor
A. Widenhorn, B. Noll, M. Aigner
14. Numerical Investigations of NO
Markus Kindler, Benjamin Rust, Peter Gerlinger, Manfred Aigner
15. Large-Eddy Simulation of Lean Premixed Flames in a Model Swirl Burner
Ping Wang, Jochen Fröhlich, Ulrich Maas
16. Higher Order Adaptive and Parallel Simulations Including Dynamic Load Balancing with the Software Package DUNE
Andreas Dedner, Robert Klöfkorn, Dietmar Kröner
17. Direct Numerical Simulation of Jet in Crossflow Actuators
B. Selent, U. Rist
18. Laminar Heat Transfer From the Stagnation Region of a Circular Cylinder at Re=140 000
Jan G. Wissink, Wolfgang Rodi
19. Conditional Statistics Along Gradient Trajectories in Fluid Turbulence
Lipo Wang
20. Direct Numerical Simulation of Single Gaseous Bubbles in Viscous Liquids
Hendrik Weking, Christian Huber, Bernhard Weigand
21. Wall Heat Load in Unsteady and Pulsating Combustor Flow
D. Panara, B. Noll, M. Kindler
22. Implicit LES of Passive-Scalar Mixing in a Confined Rectangular-Jet Reactor
A. Devesa, S. Hickel, N. A. Adams
23. Numerical Simulation of Riblet Controlled Spatial Transition
Stephan Klumpp, Matthias Meinke, Wolfgang Schröder
24. Understanding the Dynamics and Control of a Turbulent Impinging Jet via Pulsation and Swirl Using Large Eddy Simulation
Naseem Uddin, Sven Olaf Neumann, Bernhard Weigand
25. Stability Analysis of a Coupled Helmholtz Resonator with Large Eddy Simulation
Balázs Pritz, Franco Magagnato, Martin Gabi
26. Diffusers with Three-Dimensional Separation as Test Bed for Hybrid LES/RANS Methods
Dominic Terzi, Hayder Schneider, Jochen Fröhlich
27. Final Report on Project GGT0607: Lattice Boltzmann Direct Numerical Simulations of Grid-Generated Turbulence
K. Beronov, N. Özyilmaz
28. Application of FDEM on the Numerical Simulation of Journal Bearings with Turbulence and Inertia Effects
Torsten Adolph, Willi Schönauer, Roman Koch, Gunter Knoll
29. Numerical Analysis of Transition Effects in 3D Hypersonic Intake Flows
Martin Krause, Birgit Reinartz, Marek Behr
30. Preinvestigations of a Redesigned HIRENASD Wing Model in Preparation for New Aero-Structural Dynamic Experiments in ETW
B.-H. Chen, L. Reimer, M. Behr, J. Ballmann
31. Modelling Regional Climate Change in Southwest Germany
Hans-Jürgen Panitz, Gerd Schädler, Hendrik Feldmann
32. Modelling Convection over West Africa
Juliane Schwendike, Leonhard Gantner, Norbert Kalthoff, Sarah Jones
33. Molecular Modeling of Hydrogen Bonding Fluids: Vapor-Liquid Coexistence and Interfacial Properties
Martin Horsch, Martina Heitzig, Thorsten Merker, Thorsten Schnabel, Yow-Lin Huang, Hans Hasse, Jadran Vrabec
34. Towards a Dynamical Model of Mars’ Evolution
Uwe Walzer, Thomas Burghardt, Roland Hendel, Jonas Kley
35. Computational Considerations for Satellite-Based Geopotential Recovery
O. Baur, W. Keller
36. Simulative Analysis of Vehicle-to-X Communication considering Traffic Safety and Efficiency
O. Jetter, M. Killat, J. Mittag, F. Schmidt-Eisenlohr, J. Dinger, H. Hartenstein
37. Modelling Structural Failure with Finite Element Analysis of Controlled Demolition of Buildings by Explosives Using LS-DYNA
Georgios Michaloudis, Gunther Blankenhorn, Steffen Mattern, Karl Schweizerhof
Keywords: Mathematics, Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis, Computational Science and Engineering
- Author(s)
- Nagel, Wolfgang E.
- Kröner, Dietmar B.
- Resch, Michael M.
- Publisher
- Springer
- Publication year
- 2010
- Language
- en
- Edition
- 1
- Page amount
- 12 pages
- Category
- Natural Sciences
- Format
- Ebook
- 9783642046650