Richichi, A.
The Power of Optical/IR Interferometry: Recent Scientific Results and 2nd Generation Instrumentation
1. The Power of Optical/IR Interferometry
Francesco Paresce
2. The Early Days of the
Pierre Léena
3. 1988–1993: The Final Definition of the Very Large Telescope Interferometer, its Site and Configuration
Jacques M. Beckers
Part 1. Science: Stars — stellar diameters, limb darkening, flattening, surface structures
4. Stellar Diameters: Breaking the Barriers
A. Richichi
5. Imaging the Effects of Rotation in Altair and Vega
D. M. Peterson, C. A. Hummel, T. A. Pauls, J. T. Armstrong, J. A. Benson, C. G. Gilbreath, R. B. Hindsley, D. J. Hutter, K. J. Johnston, D. Mozurkewich
6. Rapid Rotation across the HR Diagram with VLTI: Achernar and Altair
A. Domiciano de Souza
7. Multi-Wavelength Interferometry of Evolved Stars Using VLTI and VLBA
M. Wittkowski, D. A. Boboltz, T. Driebe, K. Ohnaka
8. Limb Darkening: Getting Warmer
J. P. Aufdenberg, H.-G. Ludwig, P. Kervella, A. Mérand, S. T. Ridgway, V. Coudé du Foresto, T. A. ten Brummelaar, D. H. Berger, J. Sturmann, N. H. Turner
9. Cepheid Distances from Interferometry
P. Kervella, N. Nardetto, D. Bersier, D. Mourard, P. Fouqué, V. Coudé du Foresto
10. The
D. Fedele, M. Wittkowski, F. Paresce, M. Scholz, P.R. Wood, S. Ciroi
11. Cepheids Observations Using CHARA/FLUOR: ?UMi and ?Cep
Antoine Méerand, Pierre Kervella, Vincent Coudé du Foresto, Stephen T. Ridgway, Jason Aufdenberg, Theo ten Brummelaar, David Berger, Judit Sturmann, Lazlo Sturmann, Nils Turner, Harold A. McAlister
12. Cepheid Observations with the Sydney University Stellar Interferometer: ?Carinae and ?Doradus
J. Davis , M. J. Ireland, A. P. Jacob, J. R. North, S. M. Owens, J. G. Robertson, W. J. Tango, P. G. Tuthill
13. The Circumstellar Environment of Evolved Stars as seen by VLTI/MIDI
K. Ohnaka, J. Bergeat, T. Driebe, U. Graser, K.-H. Hofmann, R. Köhler, Ch. Leinert, B. Lopez, F. Malbet, S. Morel, F. Paresce, G. Perrin, Th. Preibisch, A. Richichi, D. Schertl, M. Schöller, H. Sol, G. Weigelt, M. Wittkowski
Part 2. Science: Stars — circumstellar matter, IR objects
14. Evolved Stars: Interferometer Baby Food or Staple Diet?
Peter Tuthill
15. Eta Car through the Eyes of Interferometers
O. Chesneau, R. van Boekel, T. Herbst, P. Kervella, M. Min, L.B.F.M. Waters, Ch. Leinert, R. Petrov, G. Weigelt
16. The Ejecta of Eta Carinae: What we have Learned from Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph and the Ultraviolet Echelle Spectrograph
Theodore R. Gull
17. First AMBER/VLTI Observations of Hot Massive Stars
R. G. Petrov, F. Millour, O. Chesneau, G. Weigelt, D. Bonneau, Ph. Stee, S. Kraus, D. Mourard, A. Meilland, M. Vannier, F. Malbet, F. Lisi, P. Antonelli, P. Kern, U. Beckmann, S. Lagarde, K. Perraut, S. Gennari, E. Le Coarer, Th. Driebe, M. Accardo, S. Robbe-Dubois, K. Ohnaka, S. Busoni, A. Roussel, G. Zins, J. Behrend, D. Ferruzi, Y. Bresson, G. Duvert, E. Nussbaum, A. Marconi, Ph. Feautrier, M. Dugué, A. Chelli, E. Tatulli, M. Heininger, A. Delboulbe, S. Bonhomme, D. Schertl, L. Testi, Ph. Mathias, J. -L. Monin, L. Gluck, K. H. Hofmann, P. Salinari, P. Puget, J. M. Clausse, D. Fraix-Burnet, R. Foy, A. Isella
18. Mineralogy of Circumstellar Dust
L.B.F.M. Waters, Ch. Leinert
19. First Evidence for a Spatially Resolved Disk Structure around the Herbig Ae Star R CrA
S. Correia, R. Köhler, G. Meeus, H. Zinnecker
20. The Chaotic Winds of AGB Stars: Observation Meets Theory
Peter Woitke, Andreas Quirrenbach
21. Observations of 51 Ophiuchi with MIDI at the VLTI
C. Gil, F. Malbet, M. Schöller, O. Chesneau, Ch. Leinert
22. Mid-Infrared Spectrally-Dispersed Visibilities of Massive Stars Observed with the MIDI Instrument on the VLTI
D. J. Wallace, J. Rajagopal, R. Barry, L. J. Richardson, B. Lopez, O. Chesneau, W. C. Danchi
23. The B[e] Star Hen 3-1191 Resolved with MIDI
R. Lachaume, Th. Preibisch, Th. Driebe
Part 3. Science: Science: Stars — binaries and multiples
24. Binaries: A Main Staple of Interferometry
Christian A. Hummel
25. Protoplanetary Disks as seen by Interferometry
Anne Dutrey
26. Pre-Main Sequence Binaries: The Promise of IR Interferometry
Michal Simon
27. Observations of Young Stellar Objects with Infrared Interferometry: Recent Results from PTI, KI and IOTA
Rachel Akeson
28. FU Orionis - The MIDI Perspective
Sascha P. Quanz, Thomas Henning, Christoph Leinert, Thorsten Ratzka, Sebastian Wolf
29. VLTI MIDI Observations of the Herbig Ae Star HR 5999
Thomas Preibisch, Thomas Driebe, Stefan Kraus, Regis Lachaume, Roy van Boekel, Gerd Weigelt
30. Disentangling the Wind and the Disk in the Close Surrounding of the Young Stellar Object MWC297 with AMBER/VLTI
F. Malbet, M. Benisty, W. J. de Wit, S. Kraus, A. Meilland, F. Millour, E. Tatulli, J.-P. Berger, O. Chesneau, K.-H. Hofmann, A. Isella, R. Petrov, T. Preibisch, P. Stee, L. Testi, G. Weigelt
31. Interferometry of M8E-IR with MIDI - Resolving the Dust Emission
M. Feldt, I. Pascucci, O. Chesneau, D. Apai, Th. Henning, Ch. Leinert, H. Linz, A. Men’shchikov, B. Stecklum
32. Observing T Tauri Stars in the Mid-Infrared with MIDI
Th. Ratzka, Ch. Leinert
33. Keck Interferometer Observations of the Young Spectroscopic Binary Haro 1-14c
Gail H. Schaefer, Michal Simon, L. Prato
34. Preliminary Physical Orbit of the HD 98800 B System
Andy Boden, Anneila Sargent, Rachel Akeson, John Carpenter
Part 4. Science: Stars — Galactic centre, AGNs, astrometry, exo-planets and future targets
35. Resolving the Dusty Tori in AGN with the VLT Interferometer
Klaus Meisenheimer
36. A New Analysis of MIDI Observations of the Nucleus of NGC 1068
Anne Poncelet, Guy Perrin, Héelèene Sol
37. IRS 3 - The Brightest Compact MIR Source in the Galactic Center
A. Eckart, J.-U. Pott, A. Glindemann, T. Viehmann, R. Schödel, C. Straubmeier, C. Leinert, M. . Feldt, R. Genzel, M. Robberto
38. Scientific Prospects for VLTI in the Galactic Centre: Getting to the Schwarzschild Radius
T. Paumard, G. Perrin, A. Eckart, R. Genzel, P. Léna, R. Schödel, F. Eisenhauer, T. Müller, S. Gillessen
39. Beyond the VLTI
Andreas Quirrenbach
40. The Power of Optical and Infrared Interferometry - From Dreams to Reality
Thomas Henning
Part 5. Instrumentation: Concepts for future interferometric fringe tracking
41. Multiple Beam Fringe Tracking at VLTI
M. Gai, D. Bonino, L. Corcione, D. Gardiol, M. G. Lattanzi, D. Loreggia, G. Massone, S. Menardi
42. Multiple-beam Fringe Tracking for the VLTI
F. Cassaing , F. Baron , I. Mocoeur , L.M. Mugnier, G. Rousset, B. Sorrente
Part 6. Instrumentation: 2
43. APerture Synthesis in the MID-Infrared with the VLTI
B. Lopez, S. Wolf, M. Duguée, U. Graser, Ph. Mathias, P. Antonelli, J.-C. Augereau, J. Behrend, N. Berruyer, Y. Bresson, O. Chesneau, C. Connot, K. Demyk, E. DiFolco, A. Dutrey, S. Flament, Ph. Gitton, A. Glazenborg, A. Glindemann, M. Heininger, Th. Henning, K.-H. Hofmann, Y. Hugues, W. Jaffe, S. Jankov, S. Kraus, S. Lagarde, Ch. Leinert, H. Linz, K. Meisenheimer, L. Mosoni, J.-L. Menut, U. Neumann, A. Niedzielski, F. Przygodda, F. Puech, T. Ratzka, R. Rohloff, A. Roussel, D. Schertl, F.-X. Schmider, B. Stecklum, E. Thiéebaut, F. Vakili, K. Wagner, G. Weigelt
44. VITRUV - Imaging Close Environments of Stars and Galaxies with the VLTI at Milli-Arcsec Resolution
Fabien Malbet, Jean-Philippe Berger, Paulo Garcia, Pierre Kern, Karine Perraut, Myriam Benisty, Laurent Jocou, Emilie Herwats, Jean-Baptiste Lebouquin, Pierre Labeye, Etienne LeCoarer, Olivier Preis, Eric Tatulli, Eric Thiéebaut
45. VIDA: A Direct Spectro-Imager for the VLTI
Olivier Lardièere, Jean Schneider
46. UVES-I: Interferometric High-Resolution Spectroscopy
Andreas Quirrenbach, Simon Albrecht, Ramon Vink, Oskar von der Lühe, Josef Hron, Günter Wiedemann
47. VEGA: A Visible Spectrograph and Polarimeter for the VLTI
D. Mourard, P. Antonelli, A. Blazit, D. Bonneau, Y. Bresson, J. M. Clausse, A. Domiciano, M. Dugué, R. Foy, P. Harmanec, M. Heininger, K.-H. Hofmann, S. Jankov, P. Koubsky, S. Lagarde, J. B. Lebouquin, P. Mathias, A. Meilland, N. Nardetto, R. Petrov, K. Rousselet-Perraut, D. Schertl, Ph. Stee, I. Tallon-Bosc, M. Tallon, E. Thiébaut, F. Vakili, G. Weigelt
48. BOBCAT - A Photon-efficient Multi-way Combiner for the VLTI
David Buscher, Fabien Baron, Julien Coyne, Chris Haniff, John Young
49. Near-Infrared Fiber Imager for the VLTI
Ralph Neuhäuser, Andreas Tünnermann, Marc Hempel, Bringfried Stecklum, Jena-Peter Ruske, Eike Guenther, Artie Hatzes, Rolf Chini, Roland Lemke, Günther Wuchterl, Oskar von der Lühe
50. GRAVITY: The AO-Assisted, Two-Object Beam-Combiner Instrument for the VLTI
F. Eisenhauer, G. Perrin, S. Rabien, A. Eckart, P. Léna, R. Genzel, R. Abuter, T. Paumard, W. Brandner
51. GENIE: a Ground-Based European Nulling Instrument at ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer
P. Gondoin, R. den Hartog, M. Fridlund, P. Fabry, A. Stankov, A. Peacock, S. Volonte, F. Puech, F. Delplancke, P. Gitton, A. Glindemann, F. Paresce, A. Richichi, M. Barillot, O. Absil, F. Cassaing, V. Coudédu Foresto, P. Kervella, G. Perrin, C. Ruilier, R. Flatscher, H. Bokhove, K. Ergenzinger, A. Quirrenbach, O. Wallner, J. Alves, T. Herbst, D. Mourard, R. Neuhäuser, D. Ségransan, R. Waters, G.J. White
Part 7. Instrumentation: Concepts for future interferometric instrumentation
52. Multiple Anamorphic Beam Combination
E. N. Ribak, M. Gai, D. Gardiol, D. Loreggia, S. G. Lipson
53. The Potential of IR-Heterodyne Spectroscopy
R. Schieder, D. Wirtz, G. Sonnabend, A. Eckart
Part 8. Posters — Science
54. Study of the Projection Factor to Break the Frontier of Accuracy in Cepheid Distance Determination
N. Nardetto, D. Mourard, Ph. Mathias, A. Fokin
55. LMC Cepheids with the VLTI
D. Mourard, N. Nardetto, S. Lagarde, R. Petrov, D. Bonneau, F. Millour
56. Evolutionary Modeling of Nearby Stars Using Asteroseismic and Interferometric Constraints
P. Kervella, F. Théevenin
57. Diameter Determinations from VINCI Using Global Calibration Solutions
Jeffrey Meisner
58. Towards the Interferometric Imaging of Red Supergiants
Hans-Günter Ludwig, Jacques Beckers
59. Interferometric Aperture Synthesis of Altair: Gravity Darkening and Inclination Angle
A. Domiciano de Souza, P. Kervella, S. Jankov, F. Vakili, N. Ohishi, T. E. Nordgren, L. Abe
60. Spectroscopic and Interferometric Tests of Stellar Atmosphere Models: UVES and VINCI Measurements of the M-giant ? Cet
V. Roccatagliata, M. Wittkowski, J. P. Aufdenberg, T. Driebe, B. Wolff, F. Paresce
61. The Equatorial Disk at the Center of the Planetary Nebula CPD-568032
O. Chesneau, O. de Marco, A. Collioud, A. Rothkopf, A. Zijlstra, S. Wolf, A. Acker, G. Clayton
62. First MIDI Observations of a Be Star: ? Ara
A. Meilland, O Chesneau, T. Rivinius, Ph. Stee
63. Probing the Outer Atmosphere of Mira Variables and the Effects of Chemical Composition on the Mid-Infrared Visibility
K. Ohnaka, T. Driebe, K.-H. Hofmann, Th. Preibisch, D. Schertl, G. Weigelt, M. Wittkowski
64. Temporal Variation of the Warm Molecular Layers around the Mira Variable RR Sco Detected with the VLTI/MIDI Instrument
K. Ohnaka, T. Driebe, K.-H. Hofmann, D. Schertl, G. Weigelt, M. Wittkowski
K. Ohnaka, T. Driebe, K.-H. Hofmann, Th. Preibisch, D. Schertl, G. Weigelt, M. Wittkowski
66. Preparing Observations of ?
S. Sacuto, P. Cruzalèbes
67. Interferometric Observations of the Mira Star
T. Driebe, H. C. Woodruff, M. Eberhardt, K.-H. Hofmann, K. Ohnaka, A. Richichi, D. Schertl, M. Schöller, M. Scholz, G. Weigelt, M. Wittkowski, P. R. Wood
68. High-Resolution Near-Infrared Speckle Interferometry and Radiative Transfer Modeling of the OH/IR Star OH 104.9+2.4
D. Riechers, T. Driebe, Y. Y. Balega, K.-H. Hofmann, A. B. Men’shchikov, G. Weigelt
69. Mid-Infrared Long-Baseline Interferometry of the Symbiotic Mira Star RX Pup with the VLTI/MIDI Instrument
T. Driebe, K.-H. Hofmann, K. Ohnaka, D. Schertl, G. Weigelt, M. Wittkowski
70. High-Resolution Near-Infrared Speckle Interferometry and Radiative Transfer Modeling of the OH/IR Star OH 26.5+0.6
T. Driebe, D. Riechers, Y. Y. Balega, K.-H. Hofmann, A. B. Men’shchikov, G. Weigelt
71. Near-Infrared Keck Interferometer and IOTA Closure Phase Observations of Wolf-Rayet stars
J. Rajagopal, D. Wallace, R. Barry, L.J. Richardson, W. Traub, W.C. Danchi
72. The Shape of the Inner Rim in Proto-Planetary Disks
Andrea Isella, Antonella Natta, Leonardo Testi
73. Dust and Winds from Evolved Stars
P. Mathias, B. Lopez, J. L. Menut, O. Chesneau, F. Przygodda, N. Berruyer, S. Wolf
74. VV CrA - The Dusty Environment of an Infrared Companion
Th. Ratzka, Ch. Leinert, F. Przygodda, S. Wolf
75. GENIE: High-Resolution Study of Debris Disks
Olivier Absil, Jean-Charles Augereau, Roland den Hartog, Emilie Herwats, Philippe Gondoin, Malcolm Fridlund
76. Circumstellar Structures around Herbig AeBe Stars: A Direct Interferometric Insight
S. Antoniucci, G. Li Causi, D. Lorenzetti, B. Nisini, T. Giannini, F. Strafella, D. Elia, F. Paresce
77. Observations of Circumstellar Disks
M. Hempel
78. Fundamental Parameters of
A. Kellerer, M. Petr-Gotzens, P. Kervella, V. Coudée du Foresto
79. VLTI/MIDI Measurements of Extended Mid-Infrared Emission in the Galactic Center
J.-U. Pott, A. Eckart, A. Glindemann, T. Viehmann, Ch. Leinert
80. Impact of High Spectral Resolution on Stellar Interferometry
S. Jankov, F. Vakili, A. de Domiciano Souza, R. G. Petrov, F.-X. Schmider, S. Robbe-Dubois, P. Mathias
81. Deploying an Antarctic Interferometer
M. R. Swain, D. Roche, M. Guillon, E. Lanford, K. Knepper, V. Olson, P. Little
82. Direct Detection of Exo-Planets: GQ Lupi
Ralph Neuhäuser, Eike Guenther, Peter Hauschildt
83. Antarctic Interferometry: Science Demonstration from the Concordia Station
V. Coudée du Foresto, J. Monnier, M. Swain, F. Vakili
84. Color-Differential Interferometry with AMBER/VLTI. Data Processing and Precision from Early Observations
M. Vannier, F. Millour, R.G. Petrov, F. Rantakyrö
85. The Fourier-Kelvin Stellar Interferometer: A Progress Report and Preliminary Results from our Laboratory Testbed
R. K. Barry, W. C. Danchi, J. Rajagopal, L. J. Richardson, M. Kuchner, D. Wallace, V. J. Chambers, A. Martino, W. Traub, H. Ford, R. J. Allen, S. Seager
86. The PRIMA Astrometric Planet Search Project
R. Launhardt, E. J. Bakker, P. Ballester, H. Baumeister, P. Bizenberger, H. Bleuler, R. Dçndliker, F. Delplancke, F. Derie, M. Fleury, A. Glindemann, D. Gillet, H. Hanenburg, Th. Henning, W. Jaffe, J. A. de Jong, R. Köhler, C. Maire, R. J. Mathar, D. Méegevand, Y. Michellod, P. MÜllhaupt, K. Murakawa, F. Pepe, R. S. Le Poole, J. Pragt, D. Queloz, A. Quirrenbach, S. Reffert, L. Sache, Y. Salvadé, O. Scherler, D. Ségransan, J. Setiawan, D. Sosnowska, R. N. Tubbs, L. Venema, K. Wagner, L. Weber, R. WÜthrich
87. Scientific Requirements for the Darwin Mission
Malcolm Fridlund
88. Searching for Faint Companions with MIDI Colour Differential Phase Measurements
Robert N. Tubbs
89. Infrared Light Curves and the Detectability of Close-In Extrasolar Giant Planets
L.J. Richardson, S. Seager, D. Deming, J. Harrington, R.K. Barry, J. Rajagopal, W.C. Danchi
90. Searching for VLTI Calibrators with the JMMC’s Search Calibrators Tool
D. Bonneau, X. Delfosse, S. Cetre, J.-M. Clausse, G. Zins, O. Chesneau, G. Duvert, D. Mourard, P. Cruzalèbes
91. Observation of Asteroids with the VLTI
D. Loreggia, M. Delbo, M. Gai, M.G. Lattanzi, S. Ligori, L. Saba, M. Wittkowski, A. Cellino
92. Extraterrestrial Search Through Temporal Coherence
Erez N. Ribak
93. MIA+EWS, the Software for MIDI Data-Reduction
Rainer Köhler, Walter Jaffe
94. Understanding Cross Talk on the NPOI Multibeam Combiner
H. R. Schmitt, J. T. Armstrong, R. B. Hindsley, T. A. Pauls
Part 9. Posters — Instrumentation
95. A Model Experiment for APreS-MIDI
J.-L. Menut, Y. Bresson, Y. Hugues, S. Flament, Pa. Antonelli, A. Roussel , N. Schweitzer, Pi. Antonelli, S. Lagarde, M. Dugué, B. Lopez, S. Wolf, U. Graser, S. Jankov, T. Ratzka, L. Mosoni, A. Niedzielski, E. Thi’ebaut
96. From the VLBI to the VLTI: An APreS-MIDI Image Reconstruction Study
László Mosoni, Sebastian Wolf, Bruno Lopez, Frank Przygodda, Thorsten Ratzka, Jean-Luc Menut
97. A Numerical Simulator for VITRUV
J.-B. LeBouquin, E. Herwats, M.-I. Carvalho, P. Garcia, J.-P. Berger, O. Absil
98. Multiway Beam Combiners for VITRUV
M. Benisty, J.-P. Berger, L. Jocou, P. Labeye
99. A Laboratory Interferometer for VITRUV
L. Jocou, M. Benisty, P. Gratier, J.P. Berger, E. LeCoarer, A. Delboulbé, Y. Magnard, P. Kern, K. Perraut, F. Malbet
100. Image Reconstruction with VITRUV
E. Tatulli, E. Thiébaut, F. Malbet, P. Garcia, G. Duvert
101. VITRUV Precursors: IONIC2T/IONIC3T
J.-P. Berger, P. Haguenauer, P. Kern, J.-B. Lebouquin, L. Jocou, K. Perraut, F. Malbet, A. Delboulbé, M. Benisty, P. Labeye, I. Schanen, J. Monnier, R. Millan-Gabet, E. Pedretti, W. Traub, M. Schöller, A. Glindemann
102. First Results on Integrated Optics Developments for Mid-Infrared Interferometry
Lucas Labadie, Pierre Labeye, Pierre Kern, Brahim Arezki, Isabelle Schanen, Jean-Emmanuel Broquin, Etienne Le Coarer
103. APreS-MIDI, a 4 Beam Recombiner
M. Dugué, the APreS-MIDI team
104. First Results from SIRIUS, the Interferometric Imaging Demonstrator for VIDA
F. Patru, D. Mourard, O. Lardière, M. M. Clausse, P. Antonelli, Y. Bresson, S. Lagarde
105. The Dispersed Speckles Cophasing System for Direct Imaging with VIDA
V. Borkowski, A. Labeyrie, F. Martinache, O. Lardière
106. A New Generation of Micropositioning Devices for Optical Fiber with Submicrometric Metrology
O. Preis, A. Chetail, B. Neichel, C. Aubert, B. Rabaud
Keywords: Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology, Measurement Science, Instrumentation, Microwaves, RF and Optical Engineering, Signal, Image and Speech Processing
- Author(s)
- Richichi, A.
- Delplancke, F.
- Paresce, F.
- Chelli, A.
- Publisher
- Springer
- Publication year
- 2008
- Language
- en
- Edition
- 1
- Imprint
- Springer Berlin Heidelberg - Berlin, Heidelberg
- Series
- Eso Astrophysics Symposia
- Page amount
- 28 pages
- Category
- Natural Sciences
- Format
- Ebook
- 9783540742562