
Gonzalez, Antonio Dobado

The IVth International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics

Gonzalez, Antonio Dobado - The IVth International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics, ebook


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Table of contents

1. Modern theory of nuclear forces A.D. 2006
U. -G. Meißner

2. Effective-field theory and the nuclear many-body problem
T. Schäfer

3. Neutrino-nucleus interactions
T. W. Donnelly

4. Extraction of G
from inclusive electron scattering on D, 4He
A. S. Rinat, M. F. Taragin, M. Viviani

5. Hard collisions of spinning protons: Past, present and future
A. D. Krisch

6. The neutrinoless double-beta decay: A test for new physics
A. Faessler

7. Few- and many-body methods in nuclear physics
M. Viviani

8. Overview of COSY
W. Eyrich

9. The kaon optical potential modified by Θ+ Pentaquark excitation
D. Cabrera, L. Tolós, A. Ramos, A. Polls

10. A critical analysis on deeply bound kaonic states in nuclei and the KEK experiment
E. Oset, H. Toki

11. Chiral approach to antikaons in dense matter
Laura Tolós, Angels Ramos, Eulogio Oset

12. Meson photoproduction on the nucleon with polarized photons
A. D’Angelo, O. Bartalini, V. Bellini, J. P. Bocquet, P. Calvat, M. Capogni, L. Casano, M. Castoldi, J. -P. Didelez, R. Salvo, A. Fantini, D. Franco, G. Gervino, F. Ghio, G. Giardina, B. Girolami, A. Giusa, M. Guidal, E. Hourani, V. Kouznetsov, R. Kunne, A. Lapik, P. Levi Sandri, A. Lleres, F. Mammoliti, G. Mandaglio, D. Moricciani, A. N. Mushkarenkov, V. Nedorezov, L. Nicoletti, C. Randieri, D. Rebreyend, F. Renard, N. Rudnev, T. Russew, G. Russo, C. Schaerf, M. -L. Sperduto, M. -C. Sutera, A. Turinge, V. Vegna

13. Recent KLOE results on hadron physics
C. Bini

14. Exclusive meson production at HERMES
M. Tytgat

15. The φ → K0

bar K
R. Escribano

16. Tests of the final-state radiation model at DAFNE near π+π threshold
G. Pancheri, O. Shekhovtsova, G. Venanzoni

17. The study of light scalar mesons at BESII
Hongbo Liao

18. On the coherent inelastic processes in the interaction of hadrons and γ-quanta with nuclei at ultrarelativistic energies
V. L. Lyuboshitz, V. V. Lyuboshitz

19. Scalar and axial-vector mesons
E. Beveren, G. Rupp

20. The Kπ and ππ S-wave amplitude from D-meson decays
A. C. Reis

21. Forward dispersion relations and Roy equations in ππ scattering
R. Kamiński, J. R. Peláez, F. J. Ynduráin

22. Strangeness conservation and pair correlations of neutral kaons with low relative momenta produced in inclusive multiparticle processes
V. L. Lyuboshitz, V. V. Lyuboshitz

23. Photoexcitation of baryon resonances on nucleons and nuclei
B. Krusche, I. Jaegle, T. Mertens

24. Large-N Weinberg-Tomozawa interaction and spin-flavor symmetry
C. García-Recio, J. Nieves, L. L. Salcedo

25. Collective resonances in the soliton model approach to meson-baryon scattering
H. Weigel

26. Resonances and the Weinberg-Tomozawa 56-baryon-35-meson interaction
C. García-Recio, J. Nieves, L. L. Salcedo

27. Hyperon production at COSY-TOF
W. Schroeder

28. Decays of excited baryons in the large-Nc expansion of QCD
J. L. Goity, N. N. Scoccola

29. The HERMES Recoil Detector
W. Yu

30. Search for missing baryon resonances via associated strangeness photoproduction
B. Saghai, J. -C. David, B. Juliá-Díaz, T. -S. H. Lee

31. A SU(4) (⊗) O(3) scheme for nonstrange baryons
P. González, J. Vijande, A. Valcarce, H. Garcilazo

32. Strange-baryon production asymmetry in K±N interactions
G. H. Arakelyan, C. Merino, Yu. M. Shabelski

33. Quark Models for Excited Baryons
Gabriel Karl

34. Measurement of pionium lifetime with the Dirac spectrometer
B. Adeva, A. Romero Vidal, O. Vázquez Doce

35. Aspects of strangeness −1 meson-baryon scattering
J. A. Oller, J. Prades, M. Verbeni

36. Pseudoscalar meson masses in unitarized chiral perturbation theory
J. A. Oiler, L. Roca

37. Precision measurements of kaonic atoms at DAΦNE and future perspectives
C. Curceanu, M. Bazzi, G. Beer, L. Bombelli, A. M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, M. Catitti, C. Fiorini, T. Frizzi, F. Ghio, B. Girolami, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, T. Ishiwatari, P. Kienle, P. Lechner, P. Levi Sandri, A. Longoni, V. Lucherini, J. Marton, D. Pietreanu, T. Ponta, D. L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, H. Soltau, L. Struder, E. Widmann, J. Zmeskal

38. Meson-baryon s-wave resonances with strangeness −3
C. García-Recio, J. Nieves, L. L. Salcedo

39. Towards an understanding of the light scalar mesons
C. Hanhart

40. Deuteron radial moments for renormalized chiral potentials
E. Ruiz Arriola, M. Pavon Valderrama

41. Dimension-2 condensates and Polyakov Chiral Quark Models
E. Megías, E. Ruiz Arriola, L. L. Salcedo

42. Scalar isoscalar part of the hyperon-nucleon interaction
K. Sasaki, E. Oset, M. J. Vicente Vacas

43. Resonance Form-Factors: L8 determination at Next-to-Leading Order in 1/NC

J. J. Sanz-Cillero

44. Some comments on calculations of the scalar radius of the pion and the chiral constant Ī4
F. J. Ynduráin

45. Nucleon elastic form factors
D. Day

46. Structure functions at HERA
D. H. Saxon

47. Analysis of the quadrupole deformation of △(1232) within an effective Lagrangian model for pion photoproduction from the nucleon
C. Fernandez-Ramirez, E. Moya de Guerra, J. M. Udías

48. Longitudinal and transverse target-spin asymmetries associated with DVCS on the proton at HERMES
M. Kopytin

49. Implications of the nuclear EMC effect
G. A. Miller

50. The transparency of nuclei to nucleons and pions in a relativistic Glauber approximation
J. Ryckebusch, W. Cosyn, B. Overmeire, C. Martínez

51. Nucleon form factors and the BLAST experiment
R. Alarcon

52. Opportunities with Drell-Yan scattering: Probing sea quarks in the nucleon and nuclei
P. E. Reimer

53. Strange quarks in the nucleon sea
K. A. Aniol

54. Meson cloud and nucleon strangeness: An update
F. Carvalho, F. S. Navarra, M. Nielsen

55. Leading and higher twists in proton, neutron and deuteron unpolarized structure functions F2

S. Simula

56. Spin structure function of deuteron g
A. Korzenev

57. Measurement of the generalized polarizabilities of the proton in Virtual Compton scattering at MAMI
P. Janssens

58. Electromagnetic properties of strange baryons in a relativistic quark model
T. Cauteren, J. Ryckebusch, B. Metsch, H. -R. Petry

59. Retardation effects in the rotating string model
F. Buisseret, C. Semay, V. Mathieu

60. Spin physics at COMPASS
J. M. Friedrich

61. Nucleon sigma term and quark condensate in nuclear matter
K. Tsushima, K. Saito, A. W. Thomas, A. Valcarce

62. Mind the gap
M. S. Bhagwat, A. Krassnigg, P. Maris, C. D. Roberts

63. Hadron spectroscopy and structure from AdS/CFT
S. J. Brodsky

64. Measurement of ΔS in the proton
H. E. Jackson

65. The E687 cryptoexotic vector meson candidate
R. Baldini, L. Benussi, M. Bertani, S. Bianco, F. L. Fabbri, S. Pacetti, A. Zallo

66. X(1859) Baryonium or something else?
D. R. Entem, F. Fernández

67. Search for exotic baryons at HERMES
W. Deconinck

68. QCD Coulomb gauge approach to exotic hadrons
S. R. Cotanch, I. J. General, P. Wang

69. Composite-meson model and meson exchange currents
R. Ya. Kezerashvili, V. S. Boyko

70. Unraveling the f0 nature by connecting KLOE and BABAR data through analyticity
S. Pacetti

71. New hadronic states observed at BES II
Ji Xiaobin

72. D
(2317) as an iso-triplet four-quark meson
K. Terasaki

73. New physics and technical challenges of
bar P
P. Gianotti

74. Conventional view versus FINUDA claims of a deeply bound Kpp state
A. Ramos, V. K. Magas, E. Oset, H. Toki

75. Excited baryons and heavy pentaquarks in large-Nc QCD
D. Pirjol, C. Schat

76. Inclusive pentaquark and strange baryons production in hadron beam experiments at high energy
I. M. Narodetskii, M. A. Trusov, A. I. Veselov

77. Λ(1405) resonance as a superposition of two states
V. K. Magas, E. Oset, A. Ramos

78. Casimir scaling, glueballs, and hybrid gluelumps
Vincent Mathieu, Claude Semay, Fabian Brau

79. Three-gluon glueballs in a semirelativistic potential model
B. Silvestre-Brac, V. Mathieu, C. Semay

80. Hadron spectrum and hadrons in the nuclear medium
M. J. Vicente Vacas

81. Doubly heavy-quark baryon spectroscopy and semileptonic decay
C. Albertus, E. Hernández, J. Nieves, J. M. Verde-Velasco

82. Hadron spectroscopy at BABAR
S. Tosi

83. Multichannel calculation of the very narrow D
(2317) and the very broad D
G. Rupp, E. Beveren

84. Radial excitations of heavy-light mesons
T. Matsuki, T. Morii, K. Sudoh

85. Overview of Non-Relativistic QCD
J. Soto

86. Relativistic NJL model with light and heavy quarks
A. L. Mota, E. Ruiz Arriola

87. Study of semileptonic and nonleptonic decays of the B

E. Hernández, J. Nieves, J. M. Verde-Velasco

88. Heavy quarkonia from classical SU(3) Yang-Mills configurations
R. A. Coimbraa, O. Oliveira

89. The puzzle of the D and Ds mesons
J. Vijande, F. Fernández, A. Valcarce

90. Study of the semileptonic decays B → π, D → π and D → K
C. Albertus, J. M. Flynn, E. Hernández, J. Nieves, J. M. Verde-Velasco

91. Heavy-quarkonium physics from effective-field theories
A. Vairo

92. Superfluidity in many fermion systems: Exact renormalisation group treatment
B. Krippa

93. Dimension-2 condensates, ζ-regularization and large-Nc Regge models
E. Ruiz Arriola, W. Broniowski

94. On dynamical gluon mass generation
A. C. Aguilar, J. Papavassiliou

95. Aspects of quark mass generation on a torus
C. S. Fischer, M. R. Pennington

96. Constraints on the IR behaviour of gluon and ghost propagator from Ward-Slavnov-Taylor identities
Ph. Boucaud, J. P. Leroy, A. Yaouanc, A. Y. Lokhov, J. Micheli, O. Pène, J. Rodríguez-Quintero, C. Roiesnel

97. Finite-temperature φ
4 theory from the 2PI effective action: Two-loop truncation
A. Arrizabalaga, U. Reinosa

98. Goldstone boson counting in relativistic Systems at finite density
T. Brauner

99. Nonequilibrium quasi-classical effective meson gas: Thermalization
R. F. Alvarez-Estrada

100. Behavior of the topological susceptibility at finite T and μ and signs of restoration of chiral symmetries
M. C. Ruivo, P. Costa, C. A. Sousa

101. 2 + 1 flavor simulations of QCD with improved staggered quarks
U. M. Heller

102. Lattice QCD with a twisted mass term and a strange quark
A. M. Abdel-Rehim, R. Lewis, R. M. Woloshyn, J. M. S. Wu

103. Yukawa model on a lattice: Two-body states
F. Soto, J. Carboneil, C. Roiesnel, Ph. Boucaud, J. P. Leroy, O. Pène

104. WChPT analysis of twisted mass lattice data
S. Aoki, O. Bär

105. Understanding nucleon structure using lattice simulations
W. Schroers

106. Quark matter in QC2D
S. Hands, S. Kim, J. -I. Skullerud

107. Infrared gluon and ghost propagators from lattice QCD
O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva

108. Hadronic decays from the lattice
C. Michael

109. Lattice QCD and nuclear physics
K. Orginos

110. Exploring the details of the QCD phase diagram
Ph. Forcrand, O. Philipsen

111. Static-light mesons on a dynamical anisotropic lattice
Justin Foley, Alan ó Cais, Mike Peardon, Sinéad M. Ryan

112. Neutron stars as cosmic laboratories to explore hadronic matter at ultra-high densities
I. Bombaci

113. Low-x QCD physics from RHIC and HERA to the LHC
D. d’Enterria

114. Phase diagram of neutron star quark matter in nonlocal chiral models
D. Gómez Dumm, D. B. Blaschke, A. G. Grunfeld, T. Klähn, N. N. Scoccola

115. Neutral color-spin-locking phase in neutron stars
D. N. Aguilera

116. Dilepton production in pp and CC collisions with HADES
I. Fröhlich, G. Agakishiev, C. Agodi, A. Balanda, G. Bellia, D. Belver, A. Belyaev, A. Blanco, M. Böhmer, J. L. Boyard, P. Braun-Munzinger, P. Cabanelas, E. Castro, S. Chernenko, T. Christ, M. Destefanis, J. Díaz, F. Dohrmann, T. Eberl, L. Fabbietti, O. Fateev, P. Finocchiaro, P. J. R. Fonte, J. Friese, T. Galatyuk, J. A. Garzón, R. Gernhäuser, C. Gilardi, M. Golubeva, D. González-Díaz, E. Grosse, F. Guber, Ch. Hadjivasiliou, M. Heilmann, T. Hennino, R. Holzmann, A. Ierusalimov, I. Iori, A. Ivashkin, M. Jurkovic, B. Kämpfer, K. Kanaki, T. Karavicheva, D. Kirschner, I. Koenig, W. Koenig, B. W. Kolb, R. Kotte, A. Kozuch, F. Krizek, R. Krücken, A. Kugler, W. Kühn, A. Kurepin, J. Lamas-Valverde, S. Lang, S. Lange, L. Lopes, A. Mangiarotti, J. Marín, J. Markert, V. Metag, B. Michalska, D. Mishra, E. Moriniere, J. Mousa, C. Müntz, L. Naumann, R. Novotny, J. Otwinowski, Y. C. Pachmayer, M. Palka, V. Pechenov, O. Pechenova, T. Pérez Cavalcanti, J. Pietraszko, W. Przygoda, B. Ramstein, A. Reshetin, M. Roy-Stephan, A. Rustamov, A. Sadovsky, B. Sailer, P. Salabura, A. Schmah, R. Simon, S. Spataro, B. Spruck, H. Ströbele, J. Stroth, C. Sturm, M. Sudol, K. Teilab, P. Tlusty, M. Traxler, R. Trebacz, H. Tsertos, I. Veretenkin, V. Wagner, H. Wen, M. Wisniowski, T. Wojcik, J. Wüstenfeld, Y. Zanevsky, P. Zumbruch

117. Low-mass dielectrons from the PHENIX experiment at RHIC
A. Kozlov

118. Phase transitions in quark matter and behaviour of physical observables in the vicinity of the critical end point
P. Costa, C. A. Sousa, M. C. Ruivo, Yu. L. Kalinovsky

119. Fluctuations and correlations in the string clustering approach
L. Cunqueiro, E. G. Ferreiro, C. Pajares

120. Transport coefficients in Chiral Perturbation Theory
D. Fernández-Fraile, A. Gómez Nicola

121. Scaling properties of fluctuation results from the PHENIX experiment at RHIC
J. T. Mitchell

122. Freeze-out of the expanding system
V. K. Magas, L. P. Csernai, E. Molnár

123. Q
bar Q
modes in the Quark-Gluon Plasma
D. Cabrera, R. Rapp

124. Fluctuations and correlations in STAR
B. K. Srivastava

125. Latest results on the hot dense partonic matter at RHIC
M. J. Leitch

126. Scenario of instabilities driven equilibration of the quark-gluon plasma
St. Mrówczyński

127. J/Ψ production at RHIC
Frédéric Fleuret

128. Out-of-equilibrium quantum field dynamics in external fields
F. J. Cao

129. Chiral condensate thermal evolution at finite baryon chemical potential within ChPT
R. García Martín, J. R. Peláez

130. Heat conductivity of a pion gas
Antonio Dobado, Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada, Juan M. Torres Rincón

Keywords: Physics, Elementary Particles and Nuclei

Publication year
Springer Berlin Heidelberg - Berlin, Heidelberg
Page amount
19 pages
Natural Sciences

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