
Uyar, Tanay Sidki

Towards 100% Renewable Energy

Uyar, Tanay Sidki - Towards 100% Renewable Energy, ebook


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ISBN: 9783319456591
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Table of contents

Part I. Basics, Fundamentals, Concepts

1. Efficient Use of Energy in the Industry
Hasan A. Heperkan

2. Sustainable Energy Transition: Local Governments as Key Actors
Maryke Staden

3. Institutionalization of Solar Cities Development
Jong-dall Kim

4. State-of-the-Art and New Technologies of Direct Drive Wind Turbines
Klinger Friedrich, Müller Lukas

5. State of the Art in Polycrystalline Compound Thin-Film Photovoltaics
Bülent M. Başol

6. How Can We Include External Costs in the Price of Energy?
Ian Dickie, Lawrie Harper-Simmonds

7. Evaluation of Renewable and Conventional Ammonia as a Potential Solution
Yusuf Bicer, Ibrahim Dincer

8. Solar Trigeneration: Electricity, Cooling and Steam from the Sun
Lokurlu Ahmet, Saidi Karim

9. Curriculum Development into Renewable Energies Through Coupled Research and Applied Projects
Drishtysingh Ramdenee, T. A. Poirier, R. Mohee, N. Barka, J. Chaumel, A. Ilinca

Part II. System Analysis, Modeling, Simulations

10. Barriers and Opportunities for Transformation of Conventional Energy System of Turkey to 100 % Renewable Community Power
Tanay Sıdkı Uyar

11. From Planning to Operation: Wind Power Forecasting Model for New Offshore Wind Farms
Melih Kurt, Jan Dobschinski, Bernhard Lange, Arne Wessel

12. Technical Efficiency Improvement Scenario Analysis for Conversion Technologies in Turkey
Egemen Sulukan, Mustafa Sağlam, Tanay Sıdkı Uyar

13. Balancing of Fluctuating Power to Obtain 100 % Supply with Renewable Energy
Preben Maegaard

14. Analysis of Demand-Side Management Option with Cogeneration Implementations in Turkish Energy System by MARKAL Model
Egemen Sulukan, Mustafa Sağlam, Tanay Sıdkı Uyar

15. Analyzing Cost-Effective Renewable Energy Contribution Options for Turkey
Mustafa Sağlam, Egemen Sulukan, Tanay Sıdkı Uyar

16. A Native Energy Decision Model for Turkey
Egemen Sulukan, Mustafa Sağlam, Tanay Sıdkı Uyar

17. Reference Energy System Development for Turkish Residential Sector
Fatih Mutluel, Egemen Sulukan

18. Energy Management Performance in Country Scale: A Data Envelopment Analysis
Egemen Sulukan, Mumtaz Karatas, Ilker Akgun

19. An Alternative Carbon Dioxide Emission Estimation for Turkey
Mustafa Sağlam, Egemen Sulukan, Tanay Sıdkı Uyar

20. Variability Analysis of Wind and Wind Power in Turkey
Zehra Yumurtacı, A. Yasin Demirhan, Yüksel Malkoç

21. Models of Solar Deployment: Decentralised Versus Centralised Generation
Andrea Bodenhagen, Engin Yaman, Julia Kusay, Egemen Seymen

22. Testing, Product Certification, and Inspection of Photovoltaic Modules for Local Production
Yusuf Biçer, Cevat Özarpa, Y. Erhan Böke

23. Aerodynamic and Performance Analysis of Drag-Driven Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines
Emre Alpman, Zafer Canal, İbrahim Baysal

Part III. Applications, Case Studies

24. Optimal Control of Solar Heating System
Bin-Juine Huang, Wei-Zhe Ton, Chen-Chun Wu, Hua-Wei Ko, Hsien-Shun Chang, Rue-Her Yen

25. Enhanced Geothermal Systems: The Soultz-sous-Forêts Project
Thomas Koelbel, Albert Genter

26. Field Study for the Determination of the Ratio of Convective to Total Energy Transport in Geothermal Systems
Ulvi Arslan, Heiko Huber

27. A Simple Feedback Control Approach for Economic Measures to Deploy New Energy Technologies
Takanobu Kosugi

28. Economic Impacts of Renewable Energy Increase in Germany
Ulrike Lehr, Philip Ulrich

29. The Potentials and the Benefits of Intensified RES Cooperation Between the European Union and Its Neighbours
Gustav Resch, Marijke Welisch, Gerhard Totschnig, Andre Ortner

30. Update of World Geothermal Development (2013)
Colin C. Harvey

31. A New Evaluation Method Applying Sustainability and Climate Change Concepts: The Case of Planning New York City 2030
Yosef Jabareen

32. Reliability of 100 % Renewable Electricity Supply in the Australian National Electricity Market
Ben Elliston, Mark Diesendorf, Iain MacGill

33. Managing Waste for Energy Use in Turkey
Wietze Lise

34. Evaluation of Wind–Solar Hybrid System for a Household in Northern Cyprus
Nafi Cabacaba, Serkan Abbasoğlu

35. How do The External Costs of Renewable and Fossil Fuel Energy Compare?
Rohit Mistry, Lawrie Harper Simmonds

36. Wind Energy Statistics in Europe: Onshore and Offshore
Klinger Friedrich, Müller Lukas

37. Issues in Accessing Enormous Renewable Resource in Ireland
Grattan Healy

38. Integration of Large Rooftop Photovoltaic Plants in Industrial or Commercial Areas
Andrea Bodenhagen, Claire Guesdon, Andy Parr, Patrick Clough, Maarten Cleef

Part IV. Future Directions

39. Archetypes of 100 % Renewable Energies Scenarios by 2050
Harry Lehmann, Mark Nowakowski

40. The Energy Report: 100 % Renewable Energy by 2050
Stephan Singer, Jean-Philippe Denruyter, Deniz Yener

41. Offshore Wind Energy: Key to 100 % Renewable Energy
Klinger Friedrich, Müller Lukas

42. The Role of Biomass in a 100 % Renewable Energy World
Heinz Kopetz

43. History of Wind Energy and an Outlook for the Future
Klinger Friedrich, Müller Lukas

44. Electric Power System Transition and the “Polluter Pays Principle”
Aviel Verbruggen

45. The Importance of Diversity for Renewables and Their Control in Future Electrical Infrastructure
Hasan Basri Çetinkaya, Serhat Uzun, Hasan Göksun Virlan, Halit Can Altay

46. Cellular Power Grids for a 100 % Renewable Energy Supply
Eberhard Waffenschmidt

47. Solar Atlas: One Quarter of 1 % of Turkey’s Surface Area Is Sufficient to Meet All the Power Demand with PV by 2050!
Jean-Philippe Denruyter, Mustafa Özgür Berke

Keywords: Energy, Renewable and Green Energy, Renewable and Green Energy, Physics of Energy Technology, Sustainable Development, Environmental Economics

Publication year
Springer International Publishing - Cham
Springer Proceedings in Energy
Page amount
10 pages
Technology, Energy, Traffic
Printed ISBN

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