
Keinhorst, Markus

First Time Dad

Keinhorst, Markus - First Time Dad, ebook


Ebook, ePUB with Adobe DRM
ISBN: 9781782345282
DRM Restrictions

Printing3 pages with an additional page accrued every 9 hours, capped at 3 pages
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Markus Keinhorst’s debut book FTD (First Time Dad) was developed from a desire to record the key events leading up to his son Max’s birth and first year milestones. The notion that it may enlighten anticipating and new fathers, or parents, during an exciting and nervous time in their lives developed the as he recorded significant events and magical moments. The book is written to highlight potential expectations for new fathers and also introduce topics with ‘real’ life examples. It does not tie itself to any particular style or research; it is a simple, yet refreshing account of the milestones within the 21 month period of pregnancy and the first birthday. The desire to write the book came from fatherly love nothing more and nothing less and therefore it asks and answers questions about becoming a first time Dad and looks to point the reader in potential directions to explore questions and parenting styles for themselves. New parents do not need the added pressure of ‘right and wrong’ ways to bring a baby into the world, this book aims to show that using and trying multiple avenues will allow them to find the right style for their particular situation.

Keywords: Fatherhood, New Dad, Parenting, New parents, Pregnancy, Single Parents, Child Development, Family, Baby, Infants, Relationships, Breast Feeding, Trimester, Labour, Midwife, Teething, Parental Guidence, Baby Health, Relationships

Andrews UK
Publication year
Page amount
55 pages
Upbringing, Education

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