Schwartz, Robert A.
The Quality of Our Financial Markets
1. High-Frequency Trading: Friend or Foe?
Jim Gatheral, Ari Burstein, Kevin Callahan, Charles-Albert Lehalle, Doreen Mogavero, Lawrence Ryan, L Smith Cameron
2. Mid-Day Address
Reto Francioni
3. May 6: Lessons Learned and Questions Raised
Andrew Brooks, Robert Gasser, Susan Greenglass, Gary Katz, Tim Mahoney, Joe Mecane, William O’Brien
4. The Needs of the Buy-Side: How Well Are They Being Met?
Rob Shapiro, Alfred Eskandar, Marie Konstance, Matt Lyons, Mary McDermott-Holland, David Palmer, Alan Hill
5. New Technology: What Does It Bring to the Table?
Marcus Hooper, Stuart Adams, Paul Britton, Joseph Cangemi, Jim Ross, Justin Schack, Joseph Wald
6. Closing Remarks
Richard Ketchum
Keywords: Economics/Management Science, Business/Management Science, general, Business Information Systems, Finance/Investment/Banking
- Author(s)
- Schwartz, Robert A.
- Byrne, John Aidan
- Schnee, Gretchen
- Publisher
- Springer
- Publication year
- 2013
- Language
- en
- Edition
- 2013
- Series
- Zicklin School of Business Financial Markets Series
- Page amount
- 14 pages
- Category
- Economy
- Format
- Ebook
- 9781461455929