Johansson, Håkan
EU Civil Society
1. Thinking Relationally: Questions, Themes and Perspectives for the Study of EU Civil Society
Håkan Johansson, Sara Kalm
Part I. Trends, Interactions and Positions within Platforms of CSOs
2. Changes in the Field of EU Civil Society Organisations: Institutionalisation, Differentiation and Challengers
Carlo Ruzza
3. Informational Capital: How It Is Developed and Used by CSOs and EU Institutions
Stefan Bernhard
4. Competing Capital Logics in the Field of EU-Level CSOs: ‘Autonomy from’ or ‘Interconnectedness with’ the EU?
Håkan Johansson, Jayeon Lee
5. From Coalition to Community: Collective Identity Formation in the Social Platform
Pauline Cullen
6. Exploring Competition and Cooperation among EU-Based International Solidarity Civil Society Organisations: The Relevance of Values, Resources and External Support
Rosa Sanchez Salgado
Part II. Membership and Identity Struggles within and between EU-Level CSOs
7. Conflict and Cooperation: Interactions among EU-Level Civil Society Organisations in the Field of Gender Equality
Ylva Stubbergaard
8. Sex Workers’ Rights Movement and the EU: Challenging the New European Prostitution Policy Model
Roberto Scaramuzzino, Gabriella Scaramuzzino
9. The Formation of an EU-Based CSO: A Case Study of the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants
Denis Frank
Part III. The European Citizens’ Initiative: A New Arena for Civil Society Activism?
10. The Effect of the European Citizens’ Initiative in the Field of European Civil Society
Luis Bouza García
11. Civil Dialogue and the Citizens’ Initiative: Accounting for Collaboration and Competition Using the Advocacy Coalition Framework and the Strategic Action Field
Justin Greenwood
12. The European Citizens’ Initiative Stage: A Snapshot of the Cast and Their Acts
Elsa Hedling, Anna Meeuwisse
13. Fields with Fields? Concluding Remarks on the Relationships between the European Civil Society and the EU Bureaucratic Fields
Didier Georgakakis
Keywords: Social Sciences, Development Studies, Sociology, general, Political Sociology, European Culture, European Union Politics, Political Science
- Editor
- Johansson, Håkan
- Kalm, Sara
- Publisher
- Springer
- Publication year
- 2015
- Language
- en
- Edition
- 1
- Series
- Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology
- Page amount
- 289 pages
- Category
- Society
- Format
- Ebook
- 9781137500724
- Printed ISBN
- 978-1-349-56008-0