Scheipers, Sibylle
Heroism and the Changing Character of War
1. Introduction: Toward Post-Heroic Warfare?
Sibylle Scheipers
Part I. Heroism and Self-Sacrifice What For?
2. Heroism and the Nation during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars and the Age of Military Reform in Europe
Thomas Hippler
3. ‘On the Altar of the Nation’: Narratives of Heroic Sacrifice in the American Civil War
Adam I. P. Smith
4. ‘Heroic’ Warfare and the Problem of Mass Armies: France 1871–1914
Hew Strachan
5. Heroism and Self-Sacrifice for the Nation? Wars of National Liberation
Rob Johnson
6. War against Evil: The Second World War
Peter Schrijvers
7. Mass Armies and the Cold War: Institutional Post-Heroism?
Ingo Trauschweizer
8. Heroism and Self-Sacrifice: The Vietnam War as a Case in Point
Bernd Greiner
9. The Dilemma of Cosmopolitan Soldiering
Cheyney Ryan
Part II. Casualty Aversion
10. Provocations on Policymakers, Casualty Aversion and Post-Heroic Warfare
Peter D. Feaver, Charles Miller
11. ‘Casualty Aversion’: Media, Society and Public Opinion
Susan Carruthers
12. Questioning the Post-Heroic Warfare Logic: Private Contractors, Casualty Sensitivity and Public Support for War in the United States
Deborah Avant
13. Redefining Stand-off Warfare: Modern Efforts and Implications
Antulio J. Echevarria
Part III. Combat Motivation
14. Cohesion: Heroic and Post-Heroic Combat
Anthony King
15. Inspirational, Aspirational and Operational Heroes: Recruitment, Terror and Heroic Conflict from the Perspective of Armed Groups
Andrea Dew
16. Suicide Bombers: Victims, Heroes or Martyrs?
Rashmi Singh
17. The War Within: Moral Injury and Guilt
Nancy Sherman
18. The Democratic Warrior and the Emergence of World-Order Conflicts
Andreas Herberg-Rothe
Part IV. From Heroes to Victims?
19. Citizenship, Masculinity and Mental Health in the First World War
Peter Barham
20. Why Soldiers Don’t Fight
Simon Wessely
21. Remembering the Heroes of Australia’s Wars: From Heroic to Post-Heroic Memory
Joan Beaumont
22. Public Ritual and Remembrance: Beyond the Nation-State?
John Hutchinson
Keywords: History, History of Military, World History, Global and Transnational History, Cultural History, Social History, History of World War II and the Holocaust, Modern History
- Editor
- Scheipers, Sibylle
- Publisher
- Springer
- Publication year
- 2014
- Language
- en
- Edition
- 1
- Page amount
- 388 pages
- Category
- History
- Format
- Ebook
- 9781137362537
- Printed ISBN
- 978-1-349-47270-3