Grimm, Sven
The European Union and Global Development
1. The European Union and Global Development: An ‘Enlightened Superpower’ in the Making?
Sven Grimm, Stefan Gänzle, Davina Makhan
Part I. Actors and Institutions
2. The EU’s Role in Development: A Full-Fledged Development Actor or Eclipsed by Superpower Temptations?
Jan Orbie
3. European Aid Coordination in Africa: Is the Commission Calling the Tune?
Sarah Delputte, Fredrik Söderbaum
4. The Impact of the Shallow Europeanisation of the ‘New’ Member States on the EU’s Actorness: What Coherence between Foreign and Development Policy?
Ondřej Horký
5. The Lisbon Treaty, the European External Action Service and the Reshaping of EU Development Policy
Mark Furness
Part II. Managing Policy Linkages for Development?
6. The EU’s Coordination Dilemma: Linking Trade and Development in the ACP-EU Economic Partnership Agreements and ‘Aid for Trade’
Davina Makhan
7. Coping with the ‘Security-Development Nexus’: The European Union and the Instrument for Stability
Stefan Gänzle
8. Research Cooperation for Development — a Case with Much Room for Improvement
Maja Bučar
9. Towards an EU Policy for Sustainable Global Development?
Charlotte Bretherton, John Vogler
Part III. The EU in the World: Strategic Alliances and Impact on Policymaking
10. EU Climate Leadership in Copenhagen and Beyond
Clara Brandi
11. Multipronged Strategies for a Multifaceted Crisis? A Critical Reflection on EU Policy towards Zimbabwe
João Gomes Porto
12. European Engagement with Emerging Actors in Development: Forging New Partnerships?
Sven Grimm, Christine Hackenesch
13. The EU and UN Development Cooperation: Effective Multilateralism for Global Development
Mary Farrell
14. A Payer or Player? EU Developmental Action in the Pacific
Martin Holland, Serena Kelly
15. Conclusions
Davina Makhan, Stefan Gänzle, Sven Grimm
Keywords: Political Science and International Relations, European Union Politics, International Organization, International Relations, Poverty, Aid and Development, Political Science, Development Studies
- Editor
- Grimm, Sven
- Gänzle, Stefan
- Makhan, Davina
- Publisher
- Springer
- Publication year
- 2012
- Language
- en
- Edition
- 1
- Page amount
- 325 pages
- Category
- Society
- Format
- Ebook
- 9781137016737
- Printed ISBN
- 978-1-349-34010-1