
Ende, David J. am

Chemical Engineering in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients

Ende, David J. am - Chemical Engineering in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, ebook


Ebook, ePUB with Adobe DRM
ISBN: 9781119285878
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Printing350 pages with an additional page accrued every 3 hours, capped at 350 pages
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A guide to the development and manufacturing of pharmaceutical products written for professionals in the industry, revised second edition

The revised and updated second edition of Chemical Engineering in the Pharmaceutical Industry is a practical book that highlights chemistry and chemical engineering. The book’s regulatory quality strategies target the development and manufacturing of pharmaceutically active ingredients of pharmaceutical products. The expanded second edition contains revised content with many new case studies and additional example calculations that are of interest to chemical engineers. The 2nd Edition is divided into two separate books: 1) Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API’s) and 2) Drug Product Design, Development and Modeling.

The active pharmaceutical ingredients book puts the focus on the chemistry, chemical engineering, and unit operations specific to development and manufacturing of the active ingredients of the pharmaceutical product.The drug substance operations section includes information on chemical reactions, mixing, distillations, extractions, crystallizations, filtration, drying, and wet and dry milling. In addition, the book includes many applications of process modeling and modern software tools that are geared toward batch-scale and continuous drug substance pharmaceutical operations. This updated second edition:

• Contains 30new chapters or revised chapters specific to API, covering topics including: manufacturing quality by design, computational approaches, continuous manufacturing, crystallization and final form, process safety

• Expanded topics of scale-up, continuous processing, applications of thermodynamics and thermodynamic modeling, filtration and drying

• Presents updated and expanded example calculations

• Includes contributions from noted experts in the field

Written for pharmaceutical engineers, chemical engineers, undergraduate and graduate students, and professionals in the field of pharmaceutical sciences and manufacturing, the second edition of Chemical Engineering in the Pharmaceutical Industry focuses on the development and chemical engineering as well as operations specific to the design, formulation, and manufacture of drug substance and products.


Guide to active pharmaceutical ingredients; understanding active pharmaceutical ingredients; manufacturing in drug substances; APIs; developing pharmaceutically active ingredients; strategies for developing APIs; research and development of active pharmaceutical ingredients 

, Pharmaceutical & Medicinal Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical & Medicinal Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry
John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Publication year
Page amount
1168 pages
Technology, Energy, Traffic
Printed ISBN

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