Knezek, Gerald
International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education
1. Education in the Information Society
1. Implications of the Information and Knowledge Society for Education
Ronald E. Anderson
2. New Literacies for the Knowledge Society
David Mioduser, Rafi Nachmias, Alona Forkosh-Baruch
3. Theoretical Perspectives Influencing the Use of Information Technology in Teaching and Learning
Chris Dede
4. Students in a Digital Age: Implications of ICT for Teaching and Learning
John Ainley, Laura Enger, Dara Searle
5. Traditional and Emerging IT Applications for Learning
J. Enrique Hinostroza, Christian Labbé, Leonardo López, Hans Iost
6. Driving Forces for ICT in Learning
Alfons Brummelhuis, Els Kuiper
2. IT and Curriculum Processes
7. IT and Curriculum Processes: Dilemmas and Challenges
Joke Voogt
8. Impact of IT on Science Education
Mary Webb
9. The Potential of IT to Foster Literacy Development in Kindergarten
Judy Scoter
10. Innovative Pedagogical Practices Using Technology: The Curriculum Perspective
Rafi Nachmias, David Mioduser, Alona Forkosh-Baruch
11. Changing Assessment Practices and the Role of IT
Ola Erstad
12. Information Technology Tools for Curriculum Development
Susan McKenney, Nienke Nieveen, Allard Strijker
3. IT and the Learning Process
13. ICT Supporting the Learning Process: The Premise, Reality, and Promise
Kwok-Wing Lai
14. Interactive Learning Environments: Review of an Old Construct with a New Critical Twist
Mark Brown
15. Online Learning Communities in K-12 Settings
Seng Chee Tan, Lay Hoon Seah, Jennifer Yeo, David Hung
16. Collaborative Learning and Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Environments
Maarit Arvaja, Päivi Häkkinen, Marja Kankaanranta
17. Computer Contexts for Supporting Metacognitive Learning
Xiaodong Lin, Florence R. Sullivan
18. Collaborative Inquiry and Knowledge Building in Networked Multimedia Environments
Carol K. K. Chan, Jan Aalst
4. IT Competencies and Attitudes
19. The Importance of Information Technology Attitudes and Competencies in Primary and Secondary Education
Gerald Knezek, Rhonda Christensen
20. Information, Communications, and Educational Technology Standards for Students, Teachers, and School Leaders
Lajeane G. Thomas, Donald G. Knezek
21. Self-Report Measures and Findings for Information Technology Attitudes and Competencies
Rhonda Christensen, Gerald Knezek
22. Observation Measures for Determining Attitudes and Competencies Toward Technology
Renate Schulz-Zander, Michael Pfeifer, Andreas Voss
23. Computer Attitudes and Competencies Among Primary and Secondary Schoolstudents
Martina Meelissen
24. Characteristics of Teacher Leaders for Information and Communication Technology
Margaret Riel, Henry Jay Becker
5. IT, Pedagogical Innovations, and Teacher Learning
25. Teacher Learning Beyond Knowledge for Pedagogical Innovations with ICT
Nancy Law
26. Benchmarks for Teacher Education Programs in the Pedagogical Use of ICT
Paul Kirschner, Theo Wubbels, Mieke Brekelmans
27. Factors Affecting Teachers’ Pedagogical Adoption of ICT
Bridget Somekh
28. Models and Practices in Teacher Education Programs for Teaching with and about IT
Anne McDougall
29. Multimedia Cases, Teacher Education and Teacher Learning
Ellen Berg, John Wallace, Erminia Pedretti
30. Communities of Practice for Continuing Professional Development in the Twenty-First Century
Chee-Kit Looi, Wei-Ying Lim, Wenli Chen
31. How May Teacher Learning Be Promoted for Educational Renewal with IT?
Niki Davis
6. IT in Schools
32. Leadership for IT in Schools
Sara Dexter
33. Framing IT Use to Enhance Educational Impact on a School-Wide Basis
Peter Twining
34. Quality Support for ICT in Schools
Neal Strudler, Doug Hearrington
35. Distributed Leadership and IT
Nigel Bennett
36. Total Cost of Ownership and Total Value of Ownership
Kathryn Moyle
37. The Logic and Logic Model of Technology Evaluation
Yong Zhao, Bo Yan, Jing Lei
7. IT and Distance Learning in K-12 Education
38. Distance Education in Schools: Perspectives and Realities
Roumen Nikolov, Iliana Nikolova
39. Pedagogical Principles, Problems, and Possibilities in Online Global Classrooms
Malcolm Beazley, Julie McLeod, Lin Lin
40. Virtual Schools: Redefining “A Place Called School”
M. D. Roblyer
41. Distance Learning – Enrichment: A Pacific Perspective
John H. Southworth, Curtis P. Ho, Shigeru Narita
42. Technology and Open Learning: The Potential of Open Education Resources for K-12 Education
Neil Butcher, Merridy Wilson-Strydom
43. Online Professional Development for Teachers
Márta Turcsányi-Szabó
8. IT and the Digital Divide
44. Issues and Challenges Related to Digital Equity
Paul Resta, Thérèse Laferrière
45. Gender and Information Technology
E. Dianne Looker
46. Meeting the Learning Needs of all Learners Through IT
Jutta Treviranus, Vera Roberts
47. Critical Success Factors in Moving Toward Digital Equity
Joyce Pittman, Robert T. McLaughlin, Bonnie Bracey-Sutton
48. The Relationship of Technology, Culture, and Demography
Loriene Roy, Hsin-liang Chen, Antony Cherian, Teanau Tuiono
49. Global Partnerships Enhancing Digital and Social Equity
Ian W. Gibson
9. Emerging Technologies for Education
50. An Instructional Model That Exploits Pervasive Computing
Cathleen Norris, Elliot Soloway
51. M-Learning in Africa: Doing the Unthinkable and Reaching the Unreachable
Tom H. Brown
52. Personal, Mobile, Connected: The Future of Learning
Mark Hooft
53. Use of Wireless Mobile Technology to Bridge the Learning Divide
Mohamed Ally
54. Information Technologies for Informal Learning in Museums and Out-of-School Settings
Sherry Hsi
55. Emerging Technologies for Collaborative, Mediated, Immersive Learning
Jody Clarke, Chris Dede, Ed Dieterle
56. Three-Dimensional Computer-Based Online Learning Environments
James G. Jones, Scott J. Warren
57. Trace Theory, Coordination Games, and Group Scribbles
Charles M. Patton, Deborah Tatar, Yannis Dimitriadis
58. One-to-One Educational Computing: Ten Lessons for Successful Implementation
Kyle Peck, Karl Sprenger
59. Making the Most of One-to-One Computing in Networked Classrooms
William R. Penuel
60. Graphing Calculators: Enhancing Math Learning for All Students
Jeremy Roschelle, Corrine Singleton
10. Researching IT in Education
61. Researching IT in Education
Margaret J. Cox
62. Research Methods: Their Design, Applicability and Reliability
Gail Marshall, Margaret J. Cox
63. Measuring the Impact of Information Technology on Students’ Learning
Rachel M. Pilkington
64. Large-Scale Studies and Quantitative Methods
Yuen-Kuang Cliff Liao, Yungwei Hao
65. Evaluation of the Design and Development of IT Tools in Education
Thomas C. Reeves
66. Methods for Large-Scale International Studies on ICT in Education
Willem Pelgrum, Tjeerd Plomp
11. International and Regional Programs and Policies
67. Evolution of IT and Related Educational Policies in International Organizations
Jef Moonen
68. Comparative Analysis of Policies for ICT in Education
Robert B. Kozma
69. ICT and Educational Policy in the European Region
Claudio Delrio, Claudio Dondi
70. ICT in Educational Policy in the North American Region
Susan Patrick
71. IT and Educational Policy in the Asia-Pacific Region
Yew-Jin Lee, David Hung, Horn-Mun Cheah
72. ICT and Educational Policy for the Latin American and Caribbean Regions
Patricia Ávila Muñoz
73. IT and Educational Policy in the Sub-Saharan African Region
Frank Tilya
74. IT and Educational Policy in North Africa and Middle East Region
Amr Ibrahim
75. Policy from a Global Perspective
Jef Moonen
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Keywords: EDUCATION / General EDU000000
- Author(s)
- Knezek, Gerald
- Voogt, Joke
- Publisher
- Springer
- Publication year
- 2008
- Language
- en
- Edition
- 1
- Category
- Upbringing, Education
- Format
- Ebook
- 9780387733159