
Junger-Tas, Josine

International Handbook of Juvenile Justice

Junger-Tas, Josine - International Handbook of Juvenile Justice, ebook


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ISBN: 9780387094786
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Table of contents

Part I. The Anglo-Saxon Orientation

1. Punishment and Control: Juvenile Justice Reform in the USA
Donna M. Bishop, Scott H. Decker

2. Canada’s Juvenile Justice System: Promoting Community-Based Responses to Youth Crime
Nicholas Bala, Julian V. Roberts

3. Beyond Welfare Versus Justice: Juvenile Justice in England and Wales
John Graham, Colleen Moore

4. Mainstreaming Restorative Justice for Young Offenders through Youth Conferencing: The Experience of Northern Ireland
David O’Mahony, Catriona Campbell

5. Transition and Reform: Juvenile Justice in the Republic of Ireland
Mairéad Seymour

6. Just Desert and Welfare: Juvenile Justice in the Netherlands
Peter H. Laan

Part II. Western Continental Europe

7. The French Juvenile Justice System
Anne Wyvekens

8. Survival of the Protection Model? Competing Goals in Belgian Juvenile Justice
Catherine Dijk, Els Dumortier, Christian Eliaerts

9. Juvenile Justice in Germany: Between Welfare and Justice
Frieder Dünkel

10. Austria: A Protection Model
Karin Bruckmüller

11. The Swiss Federal Statute on Juvenile Criminal Law
Jean Zermatten

12. The Emerging Juvenile Justice System in Greece
Calliope D. Spinellis, Aglaia Tsitsoura

13. Continuity and Change in the Spanish Juvenile Justice System
Cristina Rechea Alberola, Esther Fernández Molina

Part III. Eastern Europe

14. Continuity in the Welfare Approach: Juvenile Justice in Poland
Barbara Stando-Kawecka

15. Restorative Approaches and Alternative Methods: Juvenile Justice Reform in the Czech Republic
Helena Válková

16. Welfare Versus Neo-Liberalism: Juvenile Justice in Slovenia
Katja Filipčič

17. Legal and Actual Treatment of Juveniles Within the Criminal Justice System of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Almir Maljevic

Part IV. Two Special Systems

18. The End of an Era? — Youth Justice in Scotland
Michele Burman, Paul Bradshaw, Neil Hutton, Fergus McNeill, Mary Munro

19. Keeping the Balance Between Humanism and Penal Punitivism: Recent Trends in Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice in Sweden
Jerzy Sarnecki, Felipe Estrada

20. Trends in International Juvenile Justice: What Conclusions Can be Drawn?
Josine Junger-Tas

Keywords: Social Sciences, Criminology & Criminal Justice, Criminal Law

Publication year
Springer New York - New York, NY
Page amount
573 pages

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