McShane, Angela
The Extraordinary and the Everyday in Early Modern England
1. Introduction: The Extraordinary and the Everyday in Early Modern England
Angela McShane, Garthine Walker
Part I. The Extraordinary in the Everyday
2. Bodily Control and Social Unease: The Fart in Seventeenth-Century England
Keith Thomas
3. The Ambition of a Young Baronet: Sir Thomas Isham of Lamport, 1657–1681
Anthony Fletcher
4. Robert Robertes and Little Cis: An Extraordinary Relationship
Ralph Houlbrooke
5. Punishing Words: Insults and Injuries, 1525–1700
Paul Griffiths
6. The World of
David M. Turner
7. The Strangeness of the Familiar: Witchcraft and the Law in Early Modern England
Garthine Walker
Part II. The Everyday in the Extraordinary
8. Ann Jeffries and the Fairies: Folk Belief and the War on Scepticism in Later Stuart England
Peter Marshall
9. Wyclif’s Well: Lollardy, Landscape and Memory in Post-Reformation England
Alexandra Walsham
10. ‘Boiled and Stewed with Roots and Herbs’: Everyday Tales of Cannibalism in Early Modern Virginia
Catherine Armstrong
11. Glimpses of the Obscure: The Witch Trials of the Channel Islands
Darryl Ogier
12. The Extraordinary Case of the Blood-Drinking and Flesh-Eating Cavaliers
Angela McShane
13. Mother Shipton and the Devil
Darren Oldridge
14. ‘Bleedinge Afreshe’? The Affray and Murder at Nantwich, 19 December 1572
Steve Hindle
Keywords: History, History of Britain and Ireland, Social History, Cultural History, History of Early Modern Europe, Modern History
- Editor
- McShane, Angela
- Walker, Garthine
- Publisher
- Springer
- Publication year
- 2010
- Language
- en
- Edition
- 1
- Page amount
- 265 pages
- Category
- History
- Format
- Ebook
- 9780230293939
- Printed ISBN
- 978-1-349-35897-7